TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Kirsty and Anthony and their son, James George William Birks. James will be baptised this morning. We pray that as he seeks to follow Jesus, James will know His love and presence in his life.
IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members Mr Joseph Gardiner, Lindsayfield Lodge Care Home, Rosa Burn Avenue, East Kilbride. Mr Gardiner’s funeral will take place on Tuesday, 15th March at 11am at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mr Gardiner’s family and friends in your prayers.
CONGRATULATIONS AND GRATEFUL THANKS TO ALASTAIR I. SMITH who has recently been awarded a 50 Years Long Service Certificate for his dedicated service as an Elder in Greenbank.
ARTICLES FOR THE APRIL EDITION OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by today.
VOLUNTEERS ARE REQUIRED TO DELIVER EASTER LEAFLETS ROUND THE PARISH. This is an important part of our outreach and it would be an amazing effort if we could ensure that every house in the parish received an invitation to join us for worship this Easter. Thank you in the hope of your participation.
VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. Please add your name and telephone number to the list in the Centenary Chapel at the service of your choice. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings. Thank you.
SCRIPTURE UNION BIBLE READING NOTES for the next quarter are available for those who ordered them in the Centenary Chapel today.
PLASTIC MILK CARTONS ARE NEEDED FOR THE HOLIDAY CLUB (4 pint/2 litre). Please leave in the bag provided in the Hall of Friendship.
NEW DISTRICT VISITORS ARE REQUIRED FOR DISTRICT 36 (BROOM/WHITECRAIGS). If you can help please contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER REQUIRED to take photographs of up to 20 members of the Kirk Session for the picture gallery at the church’s main entrance. If you are a keen photographer and feel able to help with this contact the Session Clerk, Derek Christie (638 0044) or the minister, Jeanne Roddick (644 1395).
FAT PINS (7mm & 8mm) and double knitting wool required for the shawl ministry – if you can help please put in box outside the church office.
TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED: The rota is now available for 2016 in the Centenary Chapel. If your organisation is able to help, even if only for a couple of Sundays, please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.
WORSHIP AT OUR LOCAL CARE HOMES: Greenbank is one of a group of local churches who are on a rota for taking worship on Sunday afternoons at Bonnyton, Eastwoodhill, Mearnskirk and Williamwood care homes. The services last for half an hour and mainly involve singing some of the old favourite hymns and choruses. Each team is only required every two to three months so it would not be a heavy commitment. If you are interested in becoming involved with this worship, please contact Elizabeth Wishart (644 4471) or Jane Livingston (586 6272).
SAINSBURY’S ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS are being collected by John Meek for B.B. equipment. There is a designated box in the Hall of Friendship.
THE STATED ANNUAL MEETING OF GREENBANK PARISH CHURCH will take place today, Sunday 13th March 2016, commencing immediately after the morning service. Minutes of the Stated Annual Meeting of 2015 along with copies of the Agenda, report and accounts for 2015 will be available at the church doors before the meeting.
THERE WILL BE A MEETING of those interested in helping at the Holiday Club at 12noon today in the church halls. Lunch will be provided.
THERE WILL ALSO BE A SHORT COMMUNION SERVICE at 3.00pm this afternoon for those who, for whatever reason, were unable to attend l;ast week’s services. After all the communion services there will be a retiring offering on behalf of Age Concern Eastwood.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm tonight – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
CHARITY EXERCISE CLASS IN AID OF DOWN’S SYNDROME SCOTLAND – MONDAY 14TH MARCH. Please come along to the Cowley Hall at 1pm wearing wacky socks. Any money made that day will go to the charity so please feel free to bring a friend. Thank you, Lorna Preece.
THE GREENBANK FILM SOCIETY meets again on Monday, 14th March 2016 at 7.30pm in the Session House when the film “The Blind Side” will be shown as the final part of our retrospective on the career of Sandra Bullock. It is based on a real-life story and her performance won her a best actress Oscar in 2009.
THE FLOWER COMMITTEE IS HOLDING a meeting in Room A on Tuesday, 15th March at 7.30pm. We would like to recruit some new members to the committee and invite any ladies of the congregation who are interested to come along and join us on that evening. You will be made very welcome.
THE CLOSING MEETING OF THE GUILD for this Session will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm. We look forward to being entertained by Greenbank Choir and to welcoming guests from Williamwood House, Eastwoodhill Care Home and Eastwood Court.
THE FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ meets on Fridays at 10am. Bring a friend – the more the merrier! Blair Miller (577 5449)
THE KIRK SESSION COFFEE MORNING is on Saturday 19th March, tickets £2.00 (Children £1.00) available from Elders and Associates or pay at the door.
THE GREENBANK PLAYERS PRESENT A MURDER MYSTERY – “Who killed the Director? Saturday 19th March, 7pm for 7.30pm. A light supper will be served at the interval along with wine and soft drinks. Tickets priced £10 are NOW AVAILABLE from members of the group.
THE WALKING GROUP will hold its first walk of the new season on Sunday, 20th March 2016 leaving from the church at 2pm. We will be walking sections of Linn Park and if you intend to take part, please contact Anne and Jim Guy on 638 5570. All welcome.
ALL CHILDREN UNDER 3 YEARS ARE WELCOME ATTHE CRÈCHE on Sunday mornings which meets in the Crèche Room at the right hand side of the Hall of Friendship on Sundays when the Sunday Club is on.
LODGING HOUSE MISSION EASTER APPEAL: Please support the LHM this Easter by making a cash donation. The LHM regrets if it seems that they are repeatedly asking for money, but the reality of their work is that they can only continue to offer food and shelter to Glasgow’s homeless and hungry through the kindness and generosity of churches like ours. This Easter, their numbers are likely to be significantly higher, given that the LHM has been hosting the Winter Night Shelter. Donations can be made by post ( Lodging House Mission, 35 East Campbell Street, Glasgow G1 5DT ), telephone ( 0141 552 0285 ), online via their website, or you can see me for a donation envelope. Thank you for your continued support. Alison Allan
GRASPING THE NETTLE – Challenging Atheism And Defending And Declaring Faith In God – A weekend conference with Professor John Lennox, Professor David Fergusson & other guest contributors, 18th – 19th March 2016. For more information / book online – or see details on the hall of friendship notice board.
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