February 02, 2025
A Church of Scotland congregation, we are based in Greenbank Parish Church which is situated on the southern outskirts of Glasgow. As well as Sunday Services we have a large number of activities in the church and halls throughout the week.
On these pages you will find a list of organisations, and some of the services we offer. We invite you to join us if you’re in Clarkston at any time.
We have created a mini-website to keep everyone up to date with the latest news and updates on the progress of our Legacy project, and our fundraising efforts.
Check out the church’s daily
events and groups offered
for you to get involved in!
Dear Friends,
This year the secular celebration of Christmas arrived in some of our shops shortly before Halloween.
Surrounded by church Christmas celebrations of the birth of the baby Jesus we may feel excited and cheerful or find this time of year difficult. Our Bible readings remind us to wait with hope for God’s coming Kingdom. We know that there remains a ‘not yet’ in that the kingdom of God lies ahead of us in the fullness of time. Disease, alienation, war, injustice, oppression and a whole host of other evils constantly remind us of that.
Yet we have hope in the creative, self-giving love of God. We believe God has the final word over all that is wrong, and that love will triumph over hate. We trust that the justice of God will prevail over all injustice; God’s freedom over all bondage; the community of God will heal all separation.
As Christians, we are to wait, not passively, but staying true to our calling as disciples of Christ. We remember that Jesus calls us to hear and be transformed. We are to live now as people of faith, in readiness, willing and prepared to be caught up in the life-giving activities of the Holy Spirit at work in our world today. We may be in a time of waiting, the kingdom is not yet with us, but we do already have everything that we need.
Our Monthly Magazine
Keeping you up to date with the community.
We have a busy community based around our church. We hope you can get involved and join us.
December 15, 2024
by Greenbank Church in Charitable News, Church, Intimations, News