Wedding Information

We are very pleased to offer the use of Greenbank Parish Church to anyone wishing to get married.

The form of the Wedding Service can be large, small, informal or formal and it
is expected that Greenbank’s Minister (Rev. Jeanne Roddick) will officiate.



As soon as you have chosen a provisional date for your wedding, the Minister should be consulted. This is very important and should be done before you  make any final arrangements for a reception.


These should be discussed with the Minister and the Organist. Greenbank’s Organist has produced a separate leaflet to help you select suitable hymns
and music.If you wish someone else to play music at the Wedding Service permission must be sought from the Organist or Minister.


Flowers can be placed in the church for your Wedding Service. Arrangements to let florists into the church should be discussed with Church Officer. Greenbank’s Flower Convenor should also be contacted if flowers are going to be left in the church.



Any photographic or recording arrangements should  be discussed with the Minister.  In order to avoid disruptions during  the Wedding  Service, the customary practice  is to allow a photographer to take only a few discreet photographs, without flash during  the Wedding  Service. Plenty opportunities for photographs are possible  in the church during the signing of the Marriage Schedule and after the Wedding  Service. Discreet video and sound recording is acceptable throughout the Wedding  Service.


This normally takes place in the church a few days before the Wedding  Service. The Bridal Party normally attends. The following should  be brought to the rehearsal:
•    The Marriage Schedule which should  be  given to the Minister
•    Printed Orders of Service  which should  be given to the Church Officer
•    The balance of any costs due to the Organist, Church Officer and for the use of the Church which should  be given to the Church Officer.


Notice of your intention to marry must be given to the Registrar at least 28 clear days before the date  of the wedding. There is a small fee and the registrar will require birth certificates. If there  are complications, i.e. previous  marriages,  non UK residents, lost birth certificates  the registrar should  be informed as soon as possible. The Registrar

prepares a Marriage Schedule  which must be picked up before the wedding. A Wedding  Service cannot take place without a Marriage Schedule.

Weddings at Greenbank Church



Ushers should  arrive at least one hour before  the Wedding  Service to familiarise themselves with the church.  Ushers should  welcome guests to the wedding, hand  out Orders of Service and guide guests to seating near the front of the church.  Ushers should  reserve the front two pews for close family of the Bride and Bridegroom.


The Bridegroom and Best Man should arrive at the church at least 45 minutes before th Wedding Service begins. They may want to welcome guests at the door, but should make their way to the Minister’s Vestry at least 10 minutes before the Wedding Service begins and wait there until the Bride arrives.

Beautiful bride at greenbank church clarkston
groom and ushers at wedding

The Bride should arrive on time and enter the church at the main door. The Minister leads the Bridegroom and Best Man to the top of the Chancel steps in front of the Communion Table. The Minister goes to the vestibule and leads the Bridal Party into the church down the aisle furthest away from the pulpit. The Bride takes the left arm of her Father or appointed escort who takes her to the Bridegroom standing at the foot of the chancel steps. The Bride’s Father or appointed escort then sits with the rest of the guests and family.


After signing the Marriage Schedule and taking photographs the Bridal Party led by the Bride and Bridegroom leave the church by the aisle closest to the pulpit. Wedding guests are invited to leave the church by the side door.


The throwing of confetti is permitted outside the church buildings.


This takes place following the Wedding Service and is normally signed at the Communion Table by the Bride, Bridegroom, Best man, Chief Bridesmaid and the Minister. The Bride and Bridegroom’s parents normally join them on the chancel steps for the signing. If preferred the signing can take place in private.


£80 (with no recording)
£120 (with professional sound recording)
£160 (with professional video recording)

Church Officer

Use of Church
Non-Members £200
Members £100

Except in exceptional circumstance it is expected that the Minister of Greenbank will officiate at all wedding ceremonies. There is no charge or fee for the Minister.

A non-returnable deposit of £50 is required when the wedding is booked. However, no one should feel they can’t afford to get married at Greenbank. For further information, please speak to Minister.


Minister                   Rev Jeanne Roddick 0141 644 1395 Email Here

Church Secretary   Mrs Jane Mayer 0141 644 1841 Email Here

Church Organist     Mr Peter Howard 0141 384 8181. Email Here

Church Officer         Mr John Meek 0141 644 2839

Flowers                     Church office 0141 644 1841 Email Here

Registrar                 East Renfrewshire Council 0141 577 3120