Jun 2020

KIRK SESSION – WHAT DO THEY TALK ABOUT? The Kirk Session held a virtual on line Zoom meeting on 18th May with 55 members attending and they received updates on a range of issues. This meeting was possible because the General Assembly in 2018 had passed an Act permitting Church Courts and Committees to hold Virtual meetings online. Worship The Worship Coordinator commented that it was very encouraging to see so many people joining on Zoom for the Sunday Morning Services and the Wednesday Sundown Services. Approximately 115 households join the 12noon......
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Feb 2020

LEGACY UPDATE In the last legacy update in December I let you know that we had appointed a firm to market the north part of our site. That work is well underway, the purpose of which is to establish whether or not there is any commercial interest in developing the site and if there is, what the value of the site might be. We have also been working with organisations to establish what their needs might be in a renovated and extended church building in order to prepare a brief for an......
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Nov 2019

The Kirk Session met on 4th November with 44 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues. Worship: The Kirk Session noted the busy schedule of December Christmas Services and that the church choir was rehearsing for the Nine Lessons and Carols which was taking place on the 15th December at 10.30am. Messy Church continues to attract an average attendance of 35 children and 15 adults. Outreach: The Befrienders Coordinator is keen to hear of anyone in the congregation who would benefit from a Befriender or from anyone who would......
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Nov 2019

LEGACY In a letter to all members in September I let you know that the Kirk Session had agreed that redeveloping and extending the current sanctuary building was their preferred option for the future. The letter explained that this would mean retaining the current sanctuary building, removing the pews and adding an extension on the manse side to comprise a multi purpose hall, toilets, office, meeting areas and soft play space. The resultant building would meet our needs and provide us with a modern, fit for purpose community church complex while at......
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Sep 2019

3rd September 2019 Dear fellow member, Over the past few months I have been providing updates in Good Neighbour and the Orders of Service as our work to create a sustainable worshipping congregation for future generations has progressed. As you know, the Kirk Session agreed to appoint an architect to look at two options for the future, namely redeveloping and extending the current sanctuary or building a new church on the site of the manse. In each case the remaining land and buildings would be sold for new housing. That work has now......
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Jun 2019

KIRK SESSION – WHAT DO THEY TALK ABOUT? The Kirk Session met on 15th April with 41 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues. Worship: Greenbank held Lenten Bible Studies following the topic, “The Mystery of God”, chosen by Clarkston Churches Together. The group met on a Saturday morning and enjoyed a lively discussion with warm fellowship. Similar Groups met in churches on different days and times and in the White Cart and Overlee. The idea being that you could attend any of the venues at a time or......
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Mar 2019

LEGACY UPDATE For a number of reasons beyond our control, the Kirk Session has come to the view that proceeding with its preferred option of creating a new church on the site opposite Williamwood High School is likely to result in a high risk of delay and too large a funding gap to make it feasible. The Session however remains committed to the aim of creating a sustainable, worshipping congregation for future generations and so has gone back to the other options in the architect’s original feasibility report, ie, building a new church on our existing site, probably on the manse site, or re-designing the......
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Mar 2019

KIRK SESSION – WHAT DO THEY TALK ABOUT? The Kirk Session met on 4th February with 54 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues. Worship: Among the worship s was one from the choir which held another successful Nine Lessons and Carols in December. As always new members are welcome to join. The choir meets on a Thursday evening at 7.30pm. Other Christmas services were also well attended including the Watchnight service and the participation of young people in the service was welcomed. Thanks were also expressed to Lorna......
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Nov 2018

The Kirk Session met on 5th November with 53 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues. Worship: Among the worship reports was one from Messy Church which is proving very successful with about 35 children attending the last meeting. Thanks were expressed to members of the Worship Group for leading two of the morning services in October. Outreach: The Kirk Session received a report from our representative at Glasgow North East Foodbank where more donations and volunteers are required. If you can help contact Alex Howie via the Church......
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Mar 2018

On Sunday, 25th February, six members of the congregation, Lynn Armstrong, Graeme and Helen Bradshaw, David Mitchell and Laura and Fraser Simpson were ordained as elders. Jeanette Mackay, who has been an elder for 35 years at St James in Paisley, was admitted as an elder in Greenbank. Here’s the low down on them. Lynn Armstrong Lynn was honoured and humbled (and terrified) when asked to be an elder. She was christened and went through Sunday School at Greenbank Church, many years ago. She met her dear husband Craig at Orchardhill Church.......
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