Aug 2023
For all the latest news on the progress of the legacy project, you can visit our dedicated mini-site. https://legacy.greenbankglasgow.org.uk/ There is a new update for August 2023 here https://legacy.greenbankglasgow.org.uk/august-2023-update/ ...
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Jan 2021
We have created a mini-website to keep everyone up to date with the latest news and updates on the progress of our Legacy project, and our fundraising efforts....
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Jun 2020
Those who tuned in for the Moderator’s Pentecost service will not have failed to be inspired by his call to ensure a positive future for the church and to trust in and depend upon God that we will find ways to do this. That service is available on the Church of Scotland website and those not on the internet can phone the church office for notes of the service. This echoed words from our own minister in her sermon the previous Sunday when she said, “Despite the circumstances of the last few......
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Feb 2020
LEGACY UPDATE In the last legacy update in December I let you know that we had appointed a firm to market the north part of our site. That work is well underway, the purpose of which is to establish whether or not there is any commercial interest in developing the site and if there is, what the value of the site might be. We have also been working with organisations to establish what their needs might be in a renovated and extended church building in order to prepare a brief for an......
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Nov 2019
LEGACY In a letter to all members in September I let you know that the Kirk Session had agreed that redeveloping and extending the current sanctuary building was their preferred option for the future. The letter explained that this would mean retaining the current sanctuary building, removing the pews and adding an extension on the manse side to comprise a multi purpose hall, toilets, office, meeting areas and soft play space. The resultant building would meet our needs and provide us with a modern, fit for purpose community church complex while at......
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Sep 2019
3rd September 2019 Dear fellow member, Over the past few months I have been providing updates in Good Neighbour and the Orders of Service as our work to create a sustainable worshipping congregation for future generations has progressed. As you know, the Kirk Session agreed to appoint an architect to look at two options for the future, namely redeveloping and extending the current sanctuary or building a new church on the site of the manse. In each case the remaining land and buildings would be sold for new housing. That work has now......
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Mar 2019
LEGACY UPDATE For a number of reasons beyond our control, the Kirk Session has come to the view that proceeding with its preferred option of creating a new church on the site opposite Williamwood High School is likely to result in a high risk of delay and too large a funding gap to make it feasible. The Session however remains committed to the aim of creating a sustainable, worshipping congregation for future generations and so has gone back to the other options in the architect’s original feasibility report, ie, building a new church on our existing site, probably on the manse site, or re-designing the......
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Feb 2018
The October Good Neighbour included a very full account of the work the Kirk Session had been doing over the spring and summer months. It let you know that at its June meeting the Kirk Session had agreed that the imperative in our Legacy work was to create a sustainable, worshipping congregation of God’s people for generations to come. In addition it outlined the work of two groups the Session had established to look at some of the membership and financial data that represented the background against which we are considering our......
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