Worship Booking Form

Dear Friends,

You will have read or seen in the news that places of worship were permitted to reopen from 15‘h July subject to strict guidelines. In so far as the Church of Scotland is concerned we are required to follow the guidance laid out in the ‘Reopening of Church Buildings’ regulations from the Church of Scotland. The Kirk Session and Presbytery of Glasgow have to approve the reopening and be satisfied that the requirements laid out by the Church of Scotland are followed. This guidance is continually being reviewed and refined and will no doubt change over the coming months.

On 19‘h July the Kirk Session agreed to reopen the church for Sunday worship once a special reopening committee (comprising the minister and 5 elders including the property convenor and health and safety officer) is confident that the requirements are satisfied. These requirements include several cleaning and precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all who choose to worship in person. Meantime, the church halls will remain closed to all organisations and the Kirk Session will review this decision when it next meets on the 7‘h September.

A 2 metre social distancing rule for gathering in churches is currently in place and this will severely restrict the number of households able to attend church on Sunday mornings and in addition the Scottish Government has set a limit of 50 worshippers at a service including the minister and duty team. Our newly installed technology will ensure we‘re still reaching to those who choose to stay home.

If you wish to attend church when it reopens, a number of conditions will apply and a number of facilities will not be available, for example:

  • Church Transport will not be available for the foreseeable future
  • No coffee or tea will be served after the service
  • Toilet accommodation will be very limited and for emergency use only
  • There will be no hymn singing or choir
  • There will be no pew cushions, bibles or hymn books
  • You will require to wear a face mask in the church
  • The balcony will be closed
  • Contact details of those who attend will have to be kept so that contact tracing can be carried out in the event of that becoming necessary
  • In order to maximise space, and keep everyone as safe as possible, a one way system of entering and exiting the church will be in operation and everyone will be shown to a seat by the duty team— choosing a seat will not be an option under the 2 metre
  • It will not be possible for unaccompanied children to attend church

If you would like to attend the church when it reopens, please complete the online form below.

If you do not have email, please write stating your name and the names of those wishing to attend with you (max 3 others) with your telephone number and the dates in August and September you are able to attend. The letter should be sent to the church office.

Depending on demand for seats it is unlikely everyone will be able to attend church every Sunday.

If all goes according to our plans for a safe reopening of the church (and it is an conditional on the approvals noted above) we hope to hold the first Sunday service with some worshippers on Sunday 9‘h August. For this service, in view of the tight timescale, invitations will only be sent out by e-mail on Friday 7‘h August but thereafter we hope to send out the invitations by letter or e-mail at least 6 days in advance.


Worship Booking Request Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Telephone (required)

    *(this will enable us to check and update our records if necessary)

    Names of other members in household attending (max 3 others)

    Please tick dates available to attend (required):




    1. You must not attend church if you or any members of your household have any symptoms of the Covid Virus
    2. Please do not arrive at church before 10-15am and on arrival give your name to the duty team member outside the church
    3. Please queue with 2 metre spacing outside the church and have a facemask ready to put on when in church
    4. Please follow the directions of the duty team member who will show you to a seat downstairs. There is a one way system in operation.
    5. Please do not try to leave at the end of the service until directed to do so by a duty team member
    6. If you have an offering it should be placed on the offering plate at the entry door to the church

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    36 Eaglesham Road, Clarkston, Glasgow G76 7DJ




    0141 644 1841