Time Out

Time Out is a sociable group of ladies that meets in the Church Halls fortnightly from September to March on Thursday evenings at 8.00pm. It aims to leave by 10 o’clock – but chatter usually prevails instead.

Invited speakers come along to talk about a wide variety of subjects such as Colour Consultancy, the Samaritans, Reflexology, Cookery, floral art demonstrations and even the occasional keep-fit night. After the speaker comes the more serious business of supper and a chat. The group also has occasional ‘nights-out’ e.g. ten-pin bowling or sampling some of the local cuisine.


The group is open to all women where you are guaranteed a warm welcome, and a good night out. Come along – you’ll probably meet someone you already know! Please look out for intimations in The Good Neighbour (our church magazine) or the weekly Order of Service leaflets – which will keep you up-to-date with meetings. Please use the form if you require any information.

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    Which Group are you interested in?

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    Our syllabus for 2016/7 is as follows:


    3 November                  CHAS

    17 November                   Insight to Judaism

    1 December                   Craft Night

    15 December                   Christmas Night Out


    12 January                  Music & Movement

    21 January                   Coffee Afternoon

    26 January                   Burns Supper/Swap Shop

    9 February                   Malawi Trip Talk by Rev Jeanne Roddick (tbc)

    9 March                     Guide Dogs for the Blind

    23 March                   AGM