Ministers September 2019 Message

Ministers September 2019 Message

Dear Friends,

Every September, I am always reminded of how so much more goes on at Greenbank than what is seen on a Sunday morning. Hundreds of people come through the doors of our church and halls in the autumn and winter months and the many activities in which they participate are listed at the back of this Good Neighbour. The majority of those activities are dependent on volunteers; like the Lunch Club which takes place on the last Friday of the month, the Saturday night Youth Club and youth organisations such as Guiding and the Boys’ Brigade. All the activities listed in this magazine take place because people give their time and talents and treasures to serve others. Even this Good Neighbour, which you are reading, was delivered to you by a volunteer.

We are so blessed to have so many willing and helpful people contributing to the life and ministry of Greenbank. Thank to you all, Greenbank is indebted to you and I wish you, and all the groups and organisations starting a new session, blessed and happy times in the months ahead.

Sometimes, people ask me how they can help with the work of the church and the answer to that is get involved. Offers of help are always needed – please don’t wait to be invited. Why not have a look at the list at the back of this Good Neighbour to see if there is any group you might like to help with. If you see something, please get in touch with the contact assigned. If your circumstances make it impossible for you to volunteer at the moment, perhaps you might consider praying for the people who do.

As we begin a new session, I hope you will take the opportunity to reflect on your ongoing support and prayerfully consider what you can contribute to help sustain and grow our church community, as together we live out our faith in Jesus Christ by our actions at the heart of the community.

Brother, sister, let me serve you; let me be as Christ to you;

pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too.

We are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road;

we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load.

© Richard A. M. Gillard, 1977

Yours ,

Rev. Jeanne Roddick Signature


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