Minister’s October Message

Dear Friends,

On 1st October a candidate for full-time ordained ministry is coming to Greenbank to commence his first placement as part of the training requirements of the Church of Scotland. Every candidate for the full-time ordained ministry is required to complete four placements during their training. Two of these placements are part-time during the academic session (i.e. October to Pentecost); one is a 10-week full-time summer placement and the final placement, which commences after the completion of academic education, is a 15-month full-time probationary placement.

The student coming to Greenbank is called Fergus Cook. Fergus lives in Waterfoot and he has been married to his wife Shona for 21 years. They have three teenage daughters, Catriona, Heather and Lori. Fergus has been a member of Giffnock Orchardhill Parish Church for over 20 years. At various points throughout his time there, he has been an elder, Stewardship Convener, Clerk to the Congregational Board and has participated in numerous other ministries.

Fergus is currently studying at Glasgow University and he is in his second year. Most recently he has been working in the Leisure Industry at Paisley Lagoon where in addition to his Leisure Attendant duties he has been working as a swimming teacher. Fergus enjoys sports and outdoor activities and is presently the East Renfrewshire Girl Guides Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Trainer and Supervisor. For relaxation he enjoys reading, films and theatre. He tells me that he also enjoys whisky – both collecting and consuming! Fergus has carried out various talks to whisky clubs and likeminded groups on various whisky related topics. His next one is a fundraiser for Orchardhill, in October. This will be a talk on the real story behind the SS Politician which sank in 1941 giving rise to Compton MacKenzies Whisky Galore.

Fergus won’t be here at Greenbank on a full time basis just on Sundays and a few hours during the week.   So please look out for him and make him feel welcome.   Please also pray for him and his family as he begins the period of training required for the full time ordained ministry in the Church of Scotland.


Rev. Jeanne Roddick Signature


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