Ministers October Message
Dear Friends,
On 1st October I will have been Greenbank’s Minister for 15 years. Where has the time gone? We have experienced sad, happy and challenging times together in those years but the one constant has always been the many people of faith who have willingly offered their time and their gifts for the ministry of Greenbank.
One way this was brought home to me recently was at our last Kirk Session meeting when one of our elders Roger Mason intimated his decision to retire from putting the lights on Greenbank’s Christmas tree. Through quietly doing this, for an extraordinary 31 years, Roger has provided a timely and inspiring seasonal reminder, of Jesus as the light of the world, to the many thousands of people, who have come through Greenbank’s doors at Christmas time.
I was given a similar reminder during the preparation of this month’s Good Neighbour. A new printer was installed in the church office a few weeks ago that now makes it possible for Good Neighbour to be printed and stapled together automatically. This means that the teams of people organised by Margot and Gordon Blyth, who have turned up each month for the past 13 years to collate and staple Good Neighbour will not have to do this. Although still as important, their task, hopefully, will now be a much easier and quicker one, as they continue to organise the distribution of Good Neighbour to every Greenbank member.
I have named only three people, but there are names too numerous to mention of faithful and faith-filled followers of Jesus Christ who freely offer their time and skills, both spiritually and practically, in the service of others here at Greenbank. I am deeply grateful for the fellowship and ministry we have shared in this community and in the world for the past 15 years.
To you all, I offer these simple, but heartfelt, words – Thank you!
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