Ministers May Message
Dear Friends
As we find ourselves in another month of lockdown, this Good Neighbour contains lots of things that hopefully might be of value to you. Firstly, there is information about Sunday morning services at 12 noon along with Wednesday evening Sundown reflections at 8pm. Although it is not worship as we have known it in the past, the Church is still open for business and our internet services provided an opportunity for us to gather to worship and pray together. I hope that you will find these times of worship a source of comfort and support through the difficult days ahead. Do join us!
There is lots of other information in Good Neighbour about online and TV church services and about things you can do from home. If you are getting a wee bit fed up with home cooked meals there is also a list of restaurants still doing home deliveries in the local area. At this time, we are not able to distribute paper copies of Good Neighbour and if you are able to do so safely, within the activities that lockdown allows, why not print a copy of Good Neighbour and share it with someone who otherwise wouldn’t have access to it?
Our outreach to all members of our community is continuing to let them know that even in isolation they are not on their own. Anyone who would like a chat, shopping, medication or food should email Replies are being coordinated by our Church Secretary, Jane, who is working from home. No one needs to be a member of the church to be supported. Also, anyone can contact me for a chat or for assistance – please do not hesitate to get in touch at any time.
Email: or Telephone 0141 644 1395.
It has been such an honour during the last few weeks to see our Greenbank church family pull together to support one another, our community, go the extra mile and seek to maintain and extend the love, community and Good News of Jesus Christ. I count it a real privilege to be your minister.
As we live through these times, albeit at a distance, may we continue to do so as a church together, keep one another, our community and the world in prayer and may we stay safe, but most importantly know that we and this world is enfolded in God’s loving arms.
May the Lord bless you and take care of you;
May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;
May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.
[Numbers 6:24-26]Yours
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