Minister’s March Message
Dear Friends,
When I returned from the Holy Land two years ago I was given a beautiful book called “The Cross – Meditations and Images”. Of all the world’s religious images, the Crossis the most enduring and widespread and it has been an inspiration to millions for over two thousand years. One of the reflections on the cross contained in the book which I found inspirational was written by a man called Richard Hobbs. [1934-1993]
Are you afraid to follow me to Calvary
in case you are involved
in something you cannot control?
I want friends who follow me even to the cross itself,
who accept even the most painful changes
in their comfortable lives.
I want each of you as an individual,
so do not slip back into the anonymity of your group,
like a timid person in the crowd
by the way of the cross in Jerusalem.
What part would you have played on that day?
Would you have spoken up for me?
Helped me to carry my cross?
Wiped my brow?
I loved everyone along the road,
those who jeered,
those who were afraid,
those who beat me.
I did not judge anyone.
There is no need to be afraid;
I was not recording
who was a friend and who was an enemy.
I loved them all and longed for their repentance
Come, follow me and do not fear nor judge.
I am for all.
All are welcome to follow me.
Jesus’ invitation to follow Him is freely offered in a world where so many other things draw our attention. His invitation fills every moment and every situation while waiting for us to share, to join hands, to serve and to bless in any and every way we can, no matter how small, and to refuse to hoard, to reject, to self-protect and to judge. No matter what public opinion may offer as truth or wisdom, no matter how fear may seek to paralyse us, the invitation of Jesus Christ rings out above it all. The challenge is not an easy one, but the alternative is unthinkable. If ever the church and the world needed it, the time is now for people to be inspired and to live out the blessing of the Cross.
Rev. Jeanne Roddick
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