Ministers December 2019 Message
When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between me and all living beings on earth. That is the sign of the promise which I am making to all living beings.”
Genesis 9:16-17
Dear Friends,
In these Advent weeks when advertisers on TV keep telling us it’s the most wonderful time of year, it’s not actually the most wonderful time of year for everyone: not when there is going to be an empty chair at a Christmas dinner table; not without a familiar voice joining in with the singing of Christmas carols; not when memories of past Christmases make this time of year seem less merry.
This year, at the beginning of Advent, a ‘Rainbow Tree’ will be placed in our link building to remind us all of God’s promises seen in the rainbow. The tree will be made from bare branches that have fallen from larger trees in the manse garden. On the branches of the Rainbow Tree there will be ribbons that are the colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. During the next few weeks, everyone who wishes can come to this space to remember those they have lost and to give thanks for the light and colour these people brought to their lives and to the lives of others. The coloured ribbons will be beside the tree and everyone can take one for each person they wish to remember and tie it onto one of the branches. There will also be prayer cards that can be used and taken away.
As long as there is something happening in the halls or in the church, the link building door will remain open – so please come at any time and invite your friends too. In this way a Rainbow Tree will be created during Advent as a symbol of the light of Christ come to this world at Christmas. So may these holy Advent weeks be filled with the light of Christ’s hope, peace and love, God’s rainbow promise to us and to the world, so may you know the blessings of God with you, this Christmas and always.
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