Minister’s April Message
Dear Friends,
Nature offers me a reminder each year that Easter is just around the corner. First there are the snowdrops and crocuses in the manse garden and then the cherry trees begin to blossom into wonderful new life in the church ground. The link between the new life of Easter and spring is one that is often made by people of faith, because it seems to point to how Jesus’ death on the cross (winter) was miraculously transformed into new life (spring).
It’s a good illustration, but for it to mean anything, it first has to mean something to us personally, as individuals, and that requires a step of faith. Like the disciples before us, we are invited by faith to share in the truth of Jesus’ resurrection, believing that through the relentless love of God, our lives, our church and our world can be transformed into new life.
This month, the members of Greenbank are being invited to think about how this transformation might come about, by taking a step of faith in the process of determining the lasting legacy of faith that they wish to leave behind in the lives of future generations. At the heart of this step of faith lies the desire to bring new life to the church and to the Clarkston community the church serves.
By now, every member of Greenbank should have received a letter inviting them to a presentation on Monday the 27th March at 7.30pm in the church, which will be followed by a series of smaller meetings, at which everyone will be able to ask questions and make their own views clear. The dates for these meeting are: Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th April at 2.30pm in the church and Thursday 20th and Tuesday 25th April at 7.30pm in the church. I hope you will find time to come to these important meetings.
As Easter approaches, I hope you will be able to find blessing and meaning in this Holy time of year and make it a time of celebration of the new life that God has given us all through the resurrection of His Son and our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.
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