Lodging House Mission Update

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Annual General Meeting

I attended the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Lodging House Mission at their premises on Wednesday, 6th April. The business section of the evening included the re-election of three existing directors – Barbara Normand, Very Rev William Hewitt and R. Findlay. The financial situation was highlighted. A copy of the 2015 financial summary is displayed on the noticeboard in the corridor outside the Fraser Hall. Due to generous legacies, they can enjoy some financial stability in the coming year. They are considering a programme of planned outstanding building repairs and a feasibility study into the installation of disabled access, along with the possible replacement of their 10 year old mini bus and an investigation into increasing their opening hours. Gus Smeaton, a volunteer, currently holds the role of Project Manager, and he was thanked for carrying out this duty.

A new website has been launched and we are encouraged to visit it at www.lhm-glasgow.org.uk

Gus McKay, chaplain, and Stan, a volunteer, told of their experiences of helping at the Glasgow Winter Night Shelter which was this winter hosted by the LHM from 1st December until the end of March. There was capacity for 40 guests each night from 10pm. Many who stayed overnight remained at the LHM the following day to make use of their facilities and services. 605 people in 4 months stayed for a total of 4006 nights. 86% of them were male, 14% were female and 25% were non British. It is hoped that the LHM will be used next winter to host the shelter. Angela Vance, Support Worker, told us of her work at the LHM. She explained how she is able to assist people with a variety of tasks – she recently helped one gentleman resolve a dispute over a claim for rent arrears – he simply had not filled out a form correctly. On another occasion, she was able to pursue an alternative housing request from another gentleman who could not return to his home for fear of violence.

As you can see, there is more to the LHM than shelter and a hot meal. Tam, a client of the Lodging House Mission, spoke of his battle with alcohol. He explained that he had been introduced to the LHM ( or Trotters as it is affectionately known) by a friend, having been homeless for 7 months. He is currently decorating parts of the building, and is grateful to have this activity to keep him occupied, while doing some good for those who have helped him.

Ewen Mackie, chairman, ended by thanking all congregations for their loyal and generous support, emphasising that the work of the LHM could not continue without it.

At the start of the meeting there was a reading from Proverbs, chapter 16, verse 3. In the “Good News Bible” this reads – ” Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out”. This is a very apt message for those at the LHM, and indeed for us here in Greenbank as we plan for our future.

Easter Appeal

Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Appeal for the Lodging House Mission. A total of £170 has now been donated. This amount will increase with Gift Aid. Thank you all very much.

Meal Vouchers

I have a supply of meal vouchers for those who wish to purchase them. These cost £1.25 each. You may feel happier giving this, rather than money, to someone begging in the street. The voucher entitles the bearer to a free hot meal at the LHM. A map is printed on the back of each voucher to show the location.

Greetings cards

Please continue to support the sale of cards ( Birthday, Get Well etc ) in the Fraser Hall after the morning service most Sundays.

Alison Allan ( 638 3916 )


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