The Kirk Session met on 5th November with 53 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues.
Worship: Among the worship reports was one from Messy Church which is proving very successful with about 35 children attending the last meeting. Thanks were expressed to members of the Worship Group for leading two of the morning services in October.
Outreach: The Kirk Session received a report from our representative at Glasgow North East Foodbank where more donations and volunteers are required. If you can help contact Alex Howie via the Church Office. Greenbank continues to support the Lodging House Mission through sales of Christmas cards, and the team from Greenbank provide volunteers on a rota basis, with other churches, to facilitate a Saturday opening. Congratulations were expressed for those who took part in the Christian Aid sponsored swim and the Kirk Session noted the total sum of £24,839 was raised by Clarkston and District Christian Aid Committee per their August 2018 report.
Finance: The Financial Position was updated and this showed 1.6% increase in offerings for the period to 14th October. Since the last report contributions have been received from the Colour Circle, and Lunch Club/Friendship Cafe. External organisations who use our halls continue to generate useful income towards the upkeep of our halls. The Community Fete raised £292 for church funds and the retiring offering in aid of the Lodging House Mission raised £1298. The treasurer presented the Budget for 2019 which shows a projected deficit of over £13,000 and this was approved by the Kirk Session along with a 3% salary increase in 2019 for the Church Officer, Church Secretary, Organist, and Church Cleaner.
Fabric: The Kirk Session noted maintenance and replacement work on the emergency lighting and that the annual gas safety inspections had taken place in the Church, Manse, and Church Officer’s house. The biannual removal of tree roots from the underground drainage system which drains the church grounds had also taken place.
Fellowship. It was reported that a healthy number of people are attending The Guild and Time Out but it was noted Lunch Club numbers had fallen and District Elders were asked to encourage folk to attend. The Lunch Club meets on the last Friday of the month (not December) at 12noon. Future events include Community Choir Concert on the 5th December and the Greenbank Burns Supper on 27th January 2019.
Youth: The Youth Club continues to flourish with around 30 young people each week and the numbers in JAM and Sunday Club remain consistent. The 1st Clarkston Brownies have begun the new session with healthy numbers and it was noted that the Brownies and Guides are introducing the new Guiding programme.
Legacy: An update reminded the Session that while we await the publication of the Local Development Plan, scheduled by the Local Authority for March of next year, work on aspects of the project was continuing. Specifically, discussion continued with the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland to seek appropriate advice and guidance; Visits were to take place to churches recommended by the General Trustees that were considered to be good examples of churches preparing for the future and finally, negotiation continued with surveyors, valuers and developers in connection with our current and prospective sites.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session received an update from the Health & Safety Administrator on the Health and Safety Action Plan which is well on the way to completion, and the Kirk Session authorised the Session Clerk to sign the policies and procedures on their behalf. The Kirk Session noted the dates of the Christmas Services. One of our elders, Duncan McIntyre, asked to be placed on the retired list and the Moderator thanked him for his many years of faithful service. It was noted that Liz Allan had agreed to take over the Postal District from Duncan. After the formal business had been concluded the Kirk Session broke into small groups for a discussion on prayer.
(Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)
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