The Kirk Session met on 4th November with 44 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues.
Worship: The Kirk Session noted the busy schedule of December Christmas Services and that the church choir was rehearsing for the Nine Lessons and Carols which was taking place on the 15th December at 10.30am. Messy Church continues to attract an average attendance of 35 children and 15 adults.
Outreach: The Befrienders Coordinator is keen to hear of anyone in the congregation who would benefit from a Befriender or from anyone who would like to take on the role of befriender. If you can help please contact the church office. The Kirk Session noted that the 90kg Rice Challenge was completed on Harvest Sunday with all the bags of Kilombero Rice sold and in doing so supporting Malawian rice farmers. A report was also received from Lodging House Mission where Greenbank’s Harvest Gifts were delivered, and where Greenbank’s team will provide support for the Saturday opening on 23rd November. In addition reports were also received from GNE Foodbank, Williamwood House, Clarkston Churches together, and Clarkston Community Choir which is holding the Christmas Carol Concert on 1st December in Langside Church and 7th December in Greenbank.
Finance: The Financial Position was updated and it was noted that Offering Income had decreased by 2.6% for the 42 weeks to 20th October which was a slight improvement on the September position. Fabric expenditure for the current year totalled £25,111. Total costs incurred in the year to date for the Legacy project amount to £8,794. Since the last report contributions have been received from the 1st Clarkston Guides, Mother and Toddlers, Friendship Café, Lunch Club, 3rdA Clarkston Guides, and Colour Circle. External organisations who use our halls continue to generate useful income towards the upkeep of our halls and enquires for new lets are received regularly. The retiring collection for the Lodging House Mission totalled £1,517. In addition the celebrations for Greenbank’s 135th anniversary contributed £422 to church funds and the Community Fete/Fun Day in September brought in £470. The Treasurer submitted the Budget and salary increases for 2020 which were approved.
Fabric: The Property Convenor advised that Gas Safety Inspections of the Church, Manse, and Church Officer’s house had been completed and passed as “safe to use”. The external woodwork of the church and church halls has now been redecorated along with the wall in front of the Fraser Hall. The gutters have been repaired and it is hoped to paint these and the downpipes soon. The repairs to dampness and woodboring weevil infestation in the manse have been completed, along with some long overdue carpet replacement. Other minor repairs have also been carried out.
Fellowship: The Kirk Session received reports on The Guild and Time Out which have healthy numbers attending and an interesting syllabus for the months ahead. The Lunch Club is fully staffed, and the Friendship Café, which meets on a Friday between 10am-12noon, offers new guests a warm welcome for tea and a chat. It was noted Greenbank is manning a tea tent at the Very Merry Clarkston Christmas event on 16th November.
Youth: The Kirk Session received a report from the Chairperson of the management committee of SNAP. This club is for children in P7 to S3 and is run by a management committee, volunteers and young youth workers – a new coordinator is still being sought. To date SNAP has been allocated 2 funding grants from the Church of Scotland and the Youth Club has been successful in securing fundraising from the local Co-op. Using a Co-op card 1% of the cost of Co-op products could be donated to SNAP. Tackling the social isolation and loneliness of young people in our area was highlighted as a success for the club as was the forming of senior SNAP for S4’s wishing to remain in the club. The 1st Clarkston Brownies are doing well with a full pack and a waiting list. The 1st Clarkston Guides have 30 girls and 2 leaders and 3 young leaders and have a waiting list. Jam has 15 young people currently on the role with 8-10 attending every week. The Children and young people who attend Sunday Club continue to enjoy and respond well to the lessons and activities that “Spill the Beans” resources provide. Numbers in the Sunday Club Squad for P5-P7 and in Trailblazers for 3 year olds to P4 are lower than normal which is giving some cause for concern and was discussed at the recent Sunday Club Leaders’ meeting. All Sunday Club and JAM staff are looking forward to working together with the children and young people during rehearsals for the Nativity Play to take place on Sunday 22nd December.
Legacy: The Kirk Session received an update on the Legacy Project, details of which can be found elsewhere in Good Neighbour.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session dealt with a number of administrative matters including the following:
The Stated Annual Meeting will take the format of last year and be held on 7th June after the morning communion service.
A letter was received from Calder Watson asking to resign from the Kirk Session after serving as an Elder for 50 years. The Kirk Session accepted his resignation and transfer to the Retired List and the Moderator expressed her gratitude for Calder’s many years of service.
Approval was given for the Elders’ Coffee morning to be held in March 2020; new duty rosters for offering teams were distributed, as were Freewill Offering Envelopes for Elders to deliver to their districts.
(Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)
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