Kirk Session Update June 2020

The Kirk Session held a virtual on line Zoom meeting on 18th May with 55 members attending and they received updates on a range of issues. This meeting was possible because the General Assembly in 2018 had passed an Act permitting Church Courts and Committees to hold Virtual meetings online.
The Worship Coordinator commented that it was very encouraging to see so many people joining on Zoom for the Sunday Morning Services and the Wednesday Sundown Services. Approximately 115 households join the 12noon Sunday Service and 30 join the Sundown Services at 8pm on Wednesday. She also welcomed the fact that JAM was meeting on Zoom every week.
The Kirk Session noted the minutes from the Lodging House Mission AGM and the necessity of its closure due to the Covid 19 restrictions. The Staff are to be highly commended for their efforts in making up food boxes and toiletry packs for some of the most vulnerable in our community. The Kirk Session recognised the difficulties faced by GNE foodbank due to the measures being taken over the Covid 19 restrictions and the sterling efforts being made by the volunteer staff. It was noted the ladies of The Guild are keeping in touch by phone and that the 1st Clarkston Guides have had a number of successful digital meetings.
The Financial Position was updated and it was noted that Offering Income had decreased by 6.4% for the period to 10th May. Due to the high proportion of offerings made by standing order the impact of the coronavirus had been mitigated affecting only weekly freewill and ordinary offering income. Fabric expenditure for the year to date totalled £1,759 and Legacy Group expenditure for the current year was £2,383. Since the closure of the church buildings there have been no contributions from Congregational Organisations or external users. We have had to place 3 employees on furlough in the current circumstances and have received our first claim to 30th April from HMRC. Thanks were expressed to Ian Henderson again for his continued work in connection with the Gift Aid claim.
The Property Convenor advised that the usual safety checks and maintenance were being carried out in the church buildings and grounds.
The Kirk Session noted that although there have been few opportunities to meet in Fellowship groups and organisations have been keeping in touch in other ways.
The Youth Coordinator thanked the community on behalf of SNAP Youth Club for the donation of £753 from the Co-op Local Community Fund.
Audio Visual Services
The Minister advised she had applied for and received a grant of £5,000 from the Corra Foundation to install WIFI in the church and to buy computer, camera and audio equipment. When Church services restart, this will allow them to be live streamed to vulnerable and other members who do not feel able to attend the church.
The Kirk Session received an update on the Legacy Project. The work approved by the Kirk Session in September is continuing at a fast pace despite the pandemic and it is hoped to make further recommendations to the Kirk Session in June. Thanks were expressed to those who had contributed a significant amount of work over the past few months in very difficult times.
The Minister advised the Kirk Session she hopes to conduct a communion service by Zoom at 12noon on Sunday 7th June with members providing their own bread and wine.
Other Matters
The Kirk Session dealt with a number of administrative matters including the following:
The retiring Offerings for 20/21 were approved. District Elders were asked to obtain the outstanding email addresses of members in their district and the church secretary was thanked for her hard work in this task.
The Session was advised that Good Neighbour magazine would be sent out in mid- June with an update in July.
(Please speak to your elder if you would like any further information on the above)
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