Kirk Session Update June 2019
The Kirk Session met on 15th April with 41 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues.
Worship: Greenbank held Lenten Bible Studies following the topic, “The Mystery of God”, chosen by Clarkston Churches Together. The group met on a Saturday morning and enjoyed a lively discussion with warm fellowship. Similar Groups met in churches on different days and times and in the White Cart and Overlee. The idea being that you could attend any of the venues at a time or day that suited you best.
Outreach: The Kirk Session noted the minutes of the Kwenderana Partnership Group meetings held in Giffnock South Church and Greenbank Church in February and March respectively. The Scottish committee has been reformed and an updated Covenant is being redrawn by Carol Finlay of World Mission in conjunction with Kwenderana Ekwendeni, Glasgow Presbytery, and the Law Department. School Fees for 71 students were paid for during the year and other initiatives are being explored including a visit later this year by 3 people from Ekwendeni and a reciprocal trip in 2020.
The Kirk Session also noted upgrades to Williamwood House, and the success of the Community Choir who was runner up in its category at the “ I love Clarkston Community Awards”. In a report from the AGM of the Glasgow North East Foodbank it was noted 29.7 tonnes had been distributed with 23.5 tonnes collected – the shortfall being met by the reserve of cash donations. The total number of people fed was 12,152 adults and 5,991 children. The report from the Lodging House Mission noted the visit of the Moderator, Right Rev Susan Brown, on the 3rd February and the fact that there were now 19 churches, including Greenbank, participating in the Saturday opening rota. Greenbank raised £1,762 of the £6,310 made by the Sponsored Cycle in aid of LHM funds and further donations have been made from the sale of greeting cards on a Sunday morning and toiletries at the BB Book Sale and the Kirk Session Coffee morning. The Christian Aid Art Exhibition on 9th March was well supported with an increased contribution to Christian Aid Funds compared to the previous year.
Finance: The Financial Position was updated and it was noted that Offering Income had decreased by 6.6% for the 13 weeks to 31st March which was disappointing. Fabric expenditure for the current year totalled £3,948 and £2,000 had been paid from the Crisis Fund to the Disasters Emergency Committee in respect of Cyclone IDAI appeal in Mozambique. Since the last report contributions have been received from The Guild, Friendship Café, and 2nd Clarkston Brownies. External organisations who use our halls continue to generate useful income towards the upkeep of our halls. The Burns supper raised £507, the Greenbank Craft Fair £241 Good Neighbour Advertising to date £1.560 for church funds and the Kirk Session Coffee morning raised £1,140 of which half will go the Ekwendeni Project. The Retiring Offering for Age Concern raised £334.
Fabric: The Fabric report noted that the majority of the tree pruning work in the Church grounds had been completed and a new contractor had been employed for the fortnightly cutting of the grass. The 5 yearly Electrical Inspection will take place shortly.
Fellowship. The Kirk Session noted the successful year had by Time Out and the Friendship Cafe, the Greenbank Players successful production in March, and the continued popularity of the Colour Circle which still has a waiting list. The Walking Group has continued throughout the winter, is looking forward to the lighter nights and has welcomed some new members.
Youth: Reports were received from a number of organisations. Snap Youth Club is currently in the process of expanding how they programme by more young people’s suggestions and aims to fundraise to become more self-sustaining. The 1st Clarkston Guides have 31 Guides, 3 young leaders and 2 adult leaders. They are working hard to complete some of the new skill builder badges and are planning a camp in June. JAM currently has 16 on the roll and a regular attendance of 8-10 each week. They are taking part in the Wednesday Holy Week Service this Easter. Cosy Café has 30-40 young people who come along each week during term time after school for tea and buns. The Kirk Session expresses thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work and help in befriending the young people from the Clarkston community.
Legacy: The Kirk Session received an update on the legacy project and this was published in May Good Neighbour.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session dealt with a number of administrative matters including the following:-
Annual Inspection of Records, Food Hygiene certificates, and approved a request from Jim Clegg to join the retired list of elders. Jim was thanked by the moderator for his service as a district elder and work within the Kirk Session.
(Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)
As it is the practice to use the kitchen to serve food, our Food Hygiene certificates need to be updated. The Kirk Session will arrange this, but we need names. Would each organisation consider this and submit names ASAP.
This test can be done online, in your own time, but within three months from starting.
Please forward names to the church office at: or phone Anna Maclure on 571 0756.
While Greenbank Church choir has had our “One Hundred Best Hymns”, this is not the first in the district. It is recorded that before Busby West church opened in 1836, Sunday evening services were held in Mr. Gemmel’s school in Sheddens and that the favourite was St.Cyprian’s, led by “an old man, Mr. Thomas Stevenson”. Now you know!
Duncan McIntyre
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