Kirk Session Update

Greenbank Church Kirk Session


The Kirk Session met on 6th February with 44 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues. Worship: The Kirk Session received reports on the services over the Christmas period including the well- attended Family Nativity Service, Nine Lessons and Carols, Watchnight Service and Christmas Day Services. Over Lent it is the intention to promote House Groups in addition to the Saturday morning group. Volunteers were called for to host the groups during the Lent period. Messy Church continues to attract good numbers.

Outreach: The Kirk Session received an update from the Lodging House Mission. Greenbank continues to offer wide support with the Junior Section of the Boys’ Brigade collecting large quantities of tea, coffee and sugar. Christmas card sales this year totalled £825. Greenbank is one of 15 churches that provide volunteers to support the Saturday opening of the Lodging House Mission. Greenbank supported the Sleep in the Park event in December 2017 which took place in Princes St Gardens Edinburgh to highlight homelessness.

Finance: The Financial Position was updated and this continues to show a decrease of offerings for the first three weeks of January. The annual Fabric Appeal in the autumn raised £9,630 from 198 returns. Since the last report, contributions have been received from the Friendship Café, Ladies Afternoon Badminton Club, The Guild, and Timeout. Demand from external organisations for hall space continues and generates useful income towards the upkeep of our halls. The Church Fayre raised £3,067 and the Good Neighbour advertising £1,300.

Fabric: The Property convenor advised the Kirk Session that the annual PAT test of portable electrical items had taken place. Future work planned include a sign to discourage unnecessary vehicle access to the church grounds, inspection of the church stonework, decoration of the church vestibule and stairways, decoration of some halls, and inspection and investigation into water ingress on the flat roof of the corridor in the halls.

Fellowship: Reports were received concerning the Befrienders and the successful Afternoon tea with Aidan’s View and Hawthorn Court residents.
Youth: The Kirk Session received reports from Jam, which has 13 young people currently and 1st Clarkston Guides. Helen Howard, the new Sunday Club superintendent, gave an update on Christmas events and the syllabus being followed on a Sunday morning.

Legacy: The Kirk Session approved a number of recommendations following the Maybole conference and agreed the update to the congregation which appeared in March Good Neighbour.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session dealt with a number of administrative matters including the following: The roll at 31st December 2017 was attested at 781 members. The Kirk Session approved a minute confirming adherence to the Safeguarding requirements of the Church of Scotland and also to requirements under the Data Protection Act. The proposed ordination of six new elders and the admission of one new elder were approved. The following Kirk Session appointments were made: Aileen McKinlay will replace Val Scholfield as Halls Convenor; Lindy Dallas will replace Aileen McKinlay as Fellowship Convenor and Jane Livingston will replace Aileen McKinlay as Housebound Co-ordinator. Ron Livingston will replace Rachael Mackay as Scripture Union Representative. The Moderator thanked those who were standing down.

(Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)


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