Kirk Session Minutes 6th June
The Kirk Session met on 6th June with 55 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues.
Worship: Thanks were expressed to all those who had volunteered to assist at care home services. The monthly Saturday morning book club was attracting a good number of people who enjoyed some interesting discussion. Messy church continues to thrive and topics included looking after God’s planet and a visit to Greenbank Gardens. Outreach: The Kirk Session received an update on our work with Christian Aid and Mark Allan thanked all the volunteers who collected – the folk who ran the ”Big Brekkie” event and JAM for preparing collector packs. There were reports also from the Glasgow North East Foodbank where we provide food donations and helpers, Lodging House Mission where we are represented by Alison Allan, and Williamwood House where Stella Inglis is our representative. Jill Liddell submitted a Publicity Report thanking Fraser Simpson, one of our members, for the impressive new website, Susan Johnson for running Greenbank’s Facebook Page and Alison Harvey for her sterling work editing Good Neighbour for another year helped by Jane Mayer in the office and Gordon and Margo Blyth who organise the distribution.
Finance: The Financial Position was updated and it was noted our overall offerings had increased for the 20 weeks to
15th May by 3.2%. Recent contributions from church organisations have been received from The Guild, 1st A Clarkston Brownies, 1st Clarkston Rainbows, Friendship Café, Time Out, Country Dance Group, and The Walking Group. External organisations continue to generate useful income. The Treasurer thanked David Thomson who has volunteered to run cost comparisons on Gas and Electricity providers to secure the best deal. He was also thanked for identifying previous VAT overcharges which has secured a refund.
Fabric: The property convenor thanked Alex Howie for organising stonework repairs and pointing that have been carried out to the Church, Halls and Manse. Replacement of some fire doors is also in progress and provision of new cupboard space in the Session House. The Church has now been advised that the grant application to the Whitelee Windfarm Fund has been approved and work to replace the aging church and hall boilers can now go ahead. Graham Roddick gave a detailed report and received Kirk Session approval for the work, a substantial part of which is being covered by the grant. It is anticipated the work will be carried out in the autumn. Graham was warmly thanked for his work on this complex task. Stephen Blanchflower advised that he will be stepping down as property convenor in the coming months due to work commitments and was warmly thanked by the moderator for his hard work over the years.
Grounds: Mark Allan who leads the Grounds team advised that 2 lawnmowers had been repaired enabling them to go ahead with the valuable work they carry out during the summer months. They normally meet on Tuesday evenings (weather permitting). They are always looking for volunteers – come along or contact Mark Allan. Safeguarding: Graeme Rae has taken on the role of Deputy Safeguarding Officer to assist the vital work undertaken by Jim McFadyen. Safeguarding is a critical function carried out on behalf of the Kirk Session to ensure the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable groups (children and adults) and we are grateful to Graeme for accepting this role. Fellowship: The Kirk Session received reports on a large number of fellowship activities (too numerous to mention them all) which included the successful Community Choir concert on 1st June , The Walking Group who have a full programme for this year (new members welcome), increased numbers reported at the Lunch Club, introduction of the new Bookbug sessions on a Thursday for children under 5 accompanied by an adult, and a Successful Sunday Club plant sale which raised £800.
Youth: The Kirk Session received reports from the Boys’ Brigade and particular congratulations go to the 7 boys who gained the Queen’s Badge. The company continues to thrive and offers a wide and varied programme thanks to the dedication of the leaders. Anyone wishing to help, please contact Bobby Bisset or the church office. Reports were also received from JAM, 1st Clarkston Rainbows and the Sunday Club. The Moderator expressed sincere thanks to Hilary and Douglas Carswell who are leaving the Sunday Club after serving as Superintendents for 10 years. This was warmly endorsed by the Kirk Session.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session agreed retiring offerings for 2016/17 and the proposed appointment by Presbytery of Helen Howard as an additional Presbytery Elder. After the main business the session broke into small groups to discuss elder visits to districts for the particular benefit of new and recently appointed elders. (Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)
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