Kirk Session March Update
The Kirk Session met on 4th February with 54 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues.
Worship: Among the worship s was one from the choir which held another successful Nine Lessons and Carols in December. As always new members are welcome to join. The choir meets on a Thursday evening at 7.30pm. Other Christmas services were also well attended including the Watchnight service and the participation of young people in the service was welcomed. Thanks were also expressed to Lorna Preece and her helpers at Messy Church for their continuing work. With the imminent closure of Mearnskirk Hospital, the final hospital service was held in December. Greenbank has participated in these services for over 40 years and still provides volunteers; join the rota at services held in Bonnyton, Williamwood House and Clarkston House.
Outreach: The Kirk Session noted that food donations to the Glasgow North East Foodbank showed a marked improvement in the weeks leading up to Christmas but that volunteer numbers are falling. The fantastic sum of £1,012 was raised from the sale of Christmas cards for the support of the Lodging House Mission. Saturday opening continues and 15 members of our congregation participate in the volunteer rota. Clarkston Community Choir has restarted and it was noted the choir was over 80 strong and still growing.
Finance: The Financial Position was updated but it is too short a period to draw any meaningful conclusions. Proceeds from the fabric element of the reappraisal were £8,067 from 166 returns against £9,630 from 198 returns in 2017. Fabric expenditure incurred since the November report totalled £10,055. Since the last report contributions have been received from The Guild, Friendship Café, Mother and Toddler Group and Timeout. External organisations who use our halls continue to generate useful income towards the upkeep of our halls. The Christmas Fayre raised £3,356 for church funds and the retiring offerings raised £720 for Erskine Hospital, £259 for Missionary Fund and £1,108 for CHAS. In addition, Legacies were received from the estates of Margaret Kirk and Jean Mather.
Fabric: The Kirk Session retrospectively approved the £6,260 emergency expenditure to repair the central heating system. Approval was also given to carry out tree pruning and tidying up the gardens before the spring growth starts.
Fellowship: It was reported that a healthy number of people are attending The Guild and Time Out but it was noted Lunch Club numbers had fallen and District Elders were asked to encourage folk to attend. The Burns Supper was another resounding success. It was noted that forthcoming events in March include a production by Greenbank Players and the annual Kirk Session coffee morning.
Youth: Reports were received from a number of organisations including SNAP youth club, Jam, Brownies and Guides and information was supplied on a training day for parents and youth workers hosted by Police Scotland and Cyber Security Challenge UK. Further information on this event can be obtained from the Church Office.
Legacy: The Kirk Session received updates on the legacy projects which can be found on the page opposite.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session dealt with a number of administrative matters including the following: The roll at 31st December 2018 was attested at 747 members. The Kirk Session approved a minute confirming adherence to the Safeguarding requirements of the Church of Scotland. Helen Howard was confirmed by Kirk Session as our Presbytery Elder for 2019/20 and as our representative to this year’s General Assembly. The Kirk Session was advised that Jeanette MacKay will taking over as Liaison convenor from Jim Harvey. An appeal was made for elders to recruit District Visitors as there are currently 3 Districts without Good Neighbour distributors. If you can help or wish more information contact the church office.
(Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)
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