Kirk Session April 2017 Update

The Kirk Session met on 7th February with 56 members attending and they discussed a wide range of issues.
Worship: Gillian Foy was thanked by the Moderator for agreeing to take up the post of Prayer Promoter. The choir had a very successful and well attended Nine Lessons in Carols service although there was great sadness at the death in January of long standing member, Florence Denholm. An appeal was made for new members to join the choir – if you would like more information contact Peter Howard. Messy Church continues to flourish and Karen Martin has replaced Gill Hunt who has assisted for a number of years. Reports were also received from the Saturday Morning Book Club – details of their meetings can be found in the Order of Service.
Outreach: The Kirk Session received updates from representatives of a large number of organisations that members of Greenbank support including Glasgow North East Foodbank, Christian Aid, Clarkston Community Choir, Willliamwood House, The Kwenderana Project in Malawi, and The Lodging House Mission where members of Greenbank are actively supporting a new initiative to allow the Lodging House Mission to open on a Saturday. If you can help contact Alison Allan.
Finance: The Financial Position was updated but it was too early to comment on the income trend for the year to date. The proceeds of the fabric element of the reappraisal were £9,355 from 220 returns compared with £10,095 for 217 returns last year. Since the last report contributions have been received from the Friendship Café , Tea Dance, 2nd Clarkston Brownies, The Guild and Ladies’ Afternoon Badminton Club. External organisations continue to generate useful income – approximately £20,000 this year compared to £10,000 in 2015.
Fabric: The fabric report advised that essential repairs had been carried out to the gutter on the front elevation of the church, that carbon monoxide and smoke alarms were shortly to be fitted to all our church buildings and that paint markings would be put on the tarmac near the hall entrance to deter drivers from parking there. It was emphasised that fabric maintenance is being restricted to that which is absolutely essential given the work of the Legacy Group to establish future plans.
Safeguarding: The Kirk Session was reminded of the importance of safeguarding issues and the continuing need for training and recordkeeping to ensure we are compliant with the latest requirements. The safeguarding committee is currently reviewing this.
Halls Convenor: Val Scholfield has been appointed Halls Convenor and the Moderator thanked Chris Adam for his work over the past years in this important role.
Fellowship : Thanks were expressed to the organisers of the Christmas Film Night . It was noted there are a number of proposed social events throughout 2017 including a “New Look” Stated Annual Meeting of the congregation in June – see Order Of Service , Website and Good Neighbour for details.
Youth: In view of the research carried out by the Conversations Group and in consultation with Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire the Kirk Session’s Youth Committee identified the need for a youth club in the local community. The Moderator expressed her gratitude to GoForit for funding for a year’s pilot of the proposed SNAP community youth club, which will be set up to cater for the primary 7 to Secondary 3 age group. The Kirk Session approved the setting up of the Youth Club Management Committee and a remit that included the recruitment and appointment of two sessional paid youth leaders. Reports were also received from 1st Clarkston Guides and Sunday Club.
Legacy Update: A progress report was given to the Kirk Session on the Legacy Project and an appeal was made for members of Session to make suggestions on how the project should be managed.
Other Matters: The Kirk Session dealt with a number of other routine matters: attestation of the Roll at 31st December 2016, allocation of the Fulton bequest income to Fergus Cook our Student Minister, notice of Inspection of Records in March, the Safeguarding Statement of Compliance, a Review of Data Protection Policy, approval of Helen Howard as our Presbytery Elder for 2017/18 replacing Alison Allan who was thanked for her past work in this role, the Easter Services, and a discussion on the Stated Annual Meeting in June. In addition it was highlighted that as an ECO congregation the Kirk Session were no longer buying paper cups for the use of church organisations and that use of existing crockery was encouraged.
(Please speak to your elder if you would like further information on any of the above.)
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