Intimations Sunday 29th Jan 2023
As previously intimated, the funeral services of Mrs Aileen Stewardson will take place on Wednesday, 1st February at 3pm and of Mrs Joyce Smith on Tuesday 7th February at 2pm, both at Linn Crematorium. Aileen’s service will be live streamed and anyone wishing to know the link should contact the church office. Please remember Aileen and Joyce’s family and friends in prayer.
There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session on Monday, 6th February at 7.30 pm in the church. The agenda and reports will be distributed to elders in advance of the meeting. If any elder is unable to attend, please send apologies to the Session Clerk or record apologies on the sheet in the Centenary Chapel.
The Christian Aid Art Exhibition and Sale will take place in Clarkston Halls on Friday, 17th March from 7pm – 9pm, and Saturday, 18th March from 10am – 4pm. Volunteers are sought, please, to serve tea and coffee in the afternoon of Saturday, 18th. Please contact Mark Allan (638 3916) or Ron Livingston (639 2798) if you are able to help. Thank you.
A Warm Welcome awaits everyone on Fridays at Greenbank Church Halls. Come along at any time during the day. Free morning refreshments 10am to 12noon; free lunch [Soup & Roll] 12noon to 2pm; free afternoon refreshments 2pm 4pm. The presence of volunteers/hosts is very much needed during the day to welcome guests. If you can spare a little time, please email or phone the church office at or 01416441841.
February Good Neighbour has now been distributed to all members who requested an email copy. District visitors are reminded that paper copies are now in the flower room for delivery to all members who have requested Good Neighbour in this form. Thanks, are expressed to Jill Liddell and Liz Allan for compiling, printing and assembling Good Neighbour this month.
The Kelvingrove Art Gallery Organ Concert on Saturday 4th February at 1pm will be given by Peter Howard. The concert lasts approximately 30 minutes, admission is free and everyone is warmly invited.
Bible Readers – If you are willing to read the bible lesson please add your name and email address/phone number to the list in the Centenary Chapel at the service of your choice.
Welcoming Duty Team – There is an urgent need for volunteers to assist with this important role. Contact Malcolm Pickard at: or phone him on 644 1940 if you can help. The duty is only once every eight weeks and swaps are easily arranged.
Lodging House Mission – Donations required, especially UHT milk, kettle foods e.g. pot noodles and tinned soup e.g. tomato, chicken and mushroom, can be put on the trolley in the Link building. Sugar, toiletries, clothing, bedding, duvets and towels are not required at the moment. Donations trolley is in link building.
Glasgow North East Foodbank – Donations required, Nutritious foodstuffs required: tinned meat (not Fray Bentos, tinned fruit & veg, UHT milk & juice, diluting juice, tinned & packet potato (mash), tinned rice & custard, packet custard, pasta sauces, pasta, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, Toiletries; nappies & baby wipes. The donation trolley for LHM and donation box for foodbank is in link building which is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday mornings to receive donations
Warm wishes for the future are sent to the Church Secretary, Jane Mayer, who has now left this post after 15 years of loyal service to Greenbank. Over the years Jane gladly served the congregation, Minister, and Kirk Session, and we give thanks for her patient and helpful manner and all the ways she contributed to the life and witness of Greenbank. Anyone wishing to express their gratitude to Jane by way of a monetary gift is invited to put this into an envelope marked ‘Jane Mayer’ and to place it in the collection plate or to give it to Alistair Smith, the Church Treasurer before the end of January.
Contact arrangements for the Church Office remain unchanged. Please use the same email address and telephone numbers – and 0141 644 1841. All emails and phone calls will be responded to as soon as possible. Please bear with us as we work through this period of change as a new employee is appointed to work in the church office.
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