Church Service Intimations

TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of Mr William Fitzpatrick of 103 Greenwood Road, Clarkston. Mr Fitzpatrick ’s funeral took place on Friday 7th June. Please remember Mr Fitzpatrick ’s family and friends in your prayers.

OUR MINISTER WILL BE ON STUDY LEAVE from Monday 10th June to Monday 24th June inclusive. If you require a minister during this time or have any pastoral requests, please contact our Session Clerk, Mr Derek Christie (638 0044) or our Deputy Session Clerk, Mr Peter Liddell (638 7870).

NEXT WEEK our service will be conducted by the Worship Group and Rev Isaac Mulongo, from Ekwendeni CCAP congregation in Malawi, part of the Kwenderana twinning partnership.

GRASPING THE NETTLE – A special service of celebration of God the Creator and God the Holy Spirit in association with Glasgow Presbytery will take place in the University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel today at 3pm and will be led by Very Rev Dr John Chalmers.

THERE WILL BE NO PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE TONIGHT instead it is hoped that the congregation will support the Clarkston Churches Together Pentecost Praise Night with SONS OF THUNDER taking place tonight at Williamwood Parish Church @ 7pm, an event which our visitors from Malawi will also be attending. The event is in aid of HIV Aids Orphan Care Programme, Ekwendeni, Malawi.

LEGACY UPDATE – In the last update I let you know that an architect had been appointed to look at two options; re-designing the current sanctuary building to increase its flexibility, replacing the old halls with a modern extension to the sanctuary building, or building a new church on our existing site, probably on the manse site. This work is proceeding well and our expectation is that the Kirk Session will be able to consider it in detail during the month of August. At this stage it is not possible to say definitely which option will emerge as the most likely one for us to follow but early signs are pointing to the re-design of the current sanctuary being the front runner.  Establishing which option we prefer will then allow us to define the areas of land we do not need and can sell off.  It is the revenue from this sale that will go some way to meet the cost of the work we will need to do. Nothing will of course be decided upon until the Session has studied the architect’s report in some detail and agreed how we should communicate plans and recommendations to the congregation. At a time when all we seem to read about are dwindling numbers and churches closing, it is encouraging to think that we are planning for a new and exciting future for Greenbank. What a legacy that would be for future generations. This chimes very well with much of the discussion at the recent General Assembly and in particular some comments from the Very Rev Jimmy Simpson, well known to many in Greenbank, when he said, “I believe we need to build on the past – but not live in the past”.

Gordon Dickson – Legacy Coordinating Group

DECISIONS TAKEN AT THE 2019 GENERAL ASSEMBLY have the potential to reshape the Church of Scotland at every level.

To help Church members and congregations engage with the reform process, Life and Work has released a FREE four-page guide summarising the key decisions, copies of which are available from the church office.

COLLECTION OF LIFE & WORK Please note, over the summer LIFE & WORK will not be delivered by the district visitors. Subscribers can collect their July edition on 23rd June and their August edition will be ready for collection on 28th July from the Flower Room.

VOLUNTEERS STILL URGENTLY NEEDED for Cosy Café. Your time commitment would be one Friday afternoon roughly every 6 weeks from 2.45pm till 4pm.  Three adult volunteers help each week as well as young volunteers.  You would be required to make hot chocolate and toast for the young people (secondary school age) and interact with them.  If you think this is something you can help with please contact the church office urgently on 644 1841 (please leave a message if you call out with office hours) or email:

VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings.

ANNUAL SPONSORED CYCLE to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission, Saturday, 27th July. The event will start at 10am at Glasgow Green, and follow a 16 mile route to Clydebank and back to the finish at LHM. Entry is £7 per adult, with free entry for under 16s. Please let me know if you would like to take part. Sponsorship will be sought for our participants. Alison Allan (638 3916)

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.


THE NEXT OUTING OF THE GREENBANK WALKING GROUP is to Bute on Saturday 22nd June leaving the church at no later than 8.30am. This is a strenuous and challenging walk combining coast and country, being part of the West Island Way. Please contact Allan and Ishbel McLaren on 639 5848 to confirm intention to come and to obtain more details.

SATURDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB, Room A, 1st Saturday of each month beginning on Saturday 3rd August reading ‘The Books of the Bible – The Prophets ’ which is a fresh yet ancient presentation of Scripture, using the full NIV text using an 8 month reading plan. Breakfast refreshments are served form 8.45am for a 9am start. A book [accompanied by a reading plan] can be purchased from the church office or after church on Sundays at a cost of £5. Audio and ebook versions can be downloaded at a cost of £4 and £3 respectively at:


ALISON HARVEY’S NIGHT RIDER CHALLENGE – See her TODAY if you wish to sponsor her cycle in aid of Barnardo’s Adoption Services



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