TEA AND COFFEE is served in the Fraser Hall after the service-all welcome.
THIS MORNINGWE WELCOME Philip Stevenson who will be speaking to us about the work of SACRO and how Greenbank’s donations support the charity.
THIS EVENING you are invited to commemorate loved ones no longer with us at Christmas at our Time to Remember service at 6.30pm. During the service names of loved ones will be placed on a special Christmas Remembrance Tree which will remain in the church sanctuary that we all may know that this time of year belongs not only to us and our church, but also our loved ones as we journey together towards the One born for us at Christmas. If you can’t manage along to the service but wish someone’s name to be placed on the tree, please record it in the Christmas Book of Remembrance in the Centenary Chapel.
GREENBANK’S NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS SERVICE takes place next Sunday, 15th December at 10.30am; everyone is warmly invited.
FAIRTRADE GOODS will be on sale in the halls after the service on Sunday 15th December
OUR ANNUAL BURNS SUPPER will take place on Sunday 26th January. An excellent selection of speakers has been lined up for your edification and entertainment. Tickets (priced £17) will be available to purchasefrom TODAY after morning service when Jan and Graham will be in the Fulton Hall of Friendship.
CHRISTMAS AT GREENBANK MANSE in aid of Emazinyeni Primary School Building Project, takes place on Monday, 9th December, 10am to 12.30pm. Please come along for refreshments, home baking and gifts (Tickets £2 from the church office or pay at the door). DONATIONS OFHOME BAKING AND SMALL CHRISTMAS GIFTS would make such a difference – if you can provide either, please bring them to the church halls on Sunday 8th December or to the manse on the Monday morning.
ADVENT BIBLE STUDIES: St Aidan’s on 4 Wednesdays beginning on 27 November at 11am (Friends of the Holy Land); and at The Overlee, Clarkston Toll, 7.45pm on Mondays.
FILM SOCIETY: Monday 9th December @ 7.30pm in Session House. The film to be shown: the multi award winning ‘On Golden Pond’, starring Henry Fonda (in his last movie) and Katharine Hepburn, both of whom won Oscars, in a drama about family relationships.
THE GUILD will meet at Cathcart Castle Golf Club on Wednesday afternoon at 12.30pm for their Christmas lunch.
The B.B. boys will be delivering Christmas Cards within the Parish again this year. The collection box for them will be located in the vestibule of the church from Sunday 1st December until 10.30am on Sunday, 15th December and cards will be delivered as soon as possible thereafter. N.B. cards can only be delivered within the Parish boundaries as shown on the map on the front of the collection box & on screen in the hall of friendship.
POSTIES WANTED for Christmas cards, wishing the Parish the Blessings of Christmas and inviting them to join us for our Christmas services. Please collect a bundle from the front of the Centenary Chapel. Thank you.
LODGING HOUSE MISSION CHRISTMAS CARDS are on sale in the Fraser Hall after the service. Cards are £4 per pack of 10. *Today is the final opportunity to purchase cards.
TO ENCOURAGE WORSHIP OUTSIDE OUR CHURCH WALLS this Advent, Mary, Joseph and the donkey from Greenbank’s Nativity Scene will journey from our church building in a story bag with a copy of the Christmas story, plus a diary in which all those who host the figures can share their experiences. Also included in the bag will be an Advent candle which can be lit and burned down one section on each night that Mary and Joseph and the donkey stay. Photos taken in each home can be emailed to the Church Office at – these will be shown on PowerPoint each week of Advent. The last household will bring ‘Mary and Joseph’ to church to the family service on Christmas Eve where they will be welcomed back to the Nativity Scene. For anyone wishing to take part a ‘signup’ sheet is now available in the Centenary Chapel.
TEA/COFFEE ROTA 2020: The rota is now available for 2020 in the Centenary Chapel. If you or your organisation can offer your services for a few Sundays please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.
COSY CAFÉ VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED for the new rota [March to June] if you can help on a Friday, 2.45pmtill 4pm one or two times in this 4 month period please contact the church office on 0141 644 1841 (leave a message if out with office hours) or email: Please note Cosy is not on during school holidays. Three adult volunteers help each week as well as young volunteers and are involved in making hot chocolate and toast for the secondary school age children and interacting with them.
VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel; please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. We are always looking for new volunteers, so even if you have never read the lesson before please consider adding your name to the list. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings.
DISTRICT VISITORVACANCY – volunteer required for Newton Mearns district (8 homes, some each side of Mearns Cross) contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
SNAP COMMUNITY YOUTH CLUBfundraising opportunity through the Co-op (Oct 19-Oct 20). Using a Co-op card, 1% of the cost of co-op products purchased can be donated to SNAP – just nominate them online as your preferred charity.
GREENBANK CHURCH TRANSPORT provides a valuable service to enable passengers to attend Sunday morning worship. It operates with the help of a team of volunteer drivers who operate a 1 week in 5 rota. There is a need to recruit new drivers, if you would like to help, please see Mark Allan (Church Transport Convener) or contact 0141 638 3916.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or who needs prayer, please complete a POSTCARD (placed on the pews). Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members or posted through the halls letterbox.
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