Intimations 6th August 23
With sadness we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Christine Byrne of 36 Hawthorn Court. Funeral arrangements have still to be made. Please remember the friends and family of Christine in prayer.
Donations for tea and coffee after the service during July and August will be collected in aid of Kwenderana to help pay school fees for boys and girls in Ekwendeni next year.
A new quarterly Bible Readers sheet (from July to September) is now in the Centenary Chapel. Volunteers are requested to put their name and contact telephone number at a date of their choice. Only a couple of spaces in September left to fill.
BOOK CLUB On Saturday the 5th of August we will be meeting at 09:30 or 09:15 if you want to join us for breakfast, in the creche, in the church halls. We are starting a new book called “The Case for God: What religion really means” by Karen Armstrong. About the book. There is widespread confusion about the nature of religious truth. For the first time in history, a significantly large number of people want nothing to do with God. Militant atheists preach a gospel of godlessness with the zeal of missionaries and find an eager audience. Tracing the history of faith from the Palaeolithic Age to the present, Karen Armstrong shows that meaning of words such as ‘belief’, ‘faith’, and ‘mystery’ has been entirely altered, so that atheists and theists alike now think and speak about God – and, indeed, reason itself – in a way that our ancestors would have found astonishing. Does God have a future? Karen Armstrong examines how we can build a faith that speaks to the needs of our troubled and dangerously polarised world. We would love if you could join us in looking at this book, we will be looking at the first chapter for our next meeting so please come along. For more information you can contact Ronnie McNeill on 0141 577 6503.
BOOKS There are a good collection of books in the hall of friendship. You are welcome to come and have a look and take a book for a small donation.
UKRAINIAN CENTRE A volunteer is sought to be the liaison link between Greenbank and the Ukrainian Centre in the church grounds. Anyone interested should contact the Minister as soon as possible.
[The link building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday mornings]
Lodging House Mission – Donations required, especially UHT milk, kettle foods e.g. pot noodles and tinned soup e.g. tomato, chicken and mushroom, can be put on the trolley in the Link building. Sugar, toiletries, clothing, bedding, duvets and towels are not required at the moment. Donations trolley is in link building.
Glasgow North East Foodbank – Donations required, Nutritious foodstuffs required: tinned meat (not Fray Bentos), tinned fruit & veg, UHT milk & juice, diluting juice, tinned & packet potato (mash), tinned rice & custard, packet custard, pasta sauces, pasta, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, Toiletries; nappies & baby wipes.
East Renfrewshire Council, VAER and ER Culture and Leisure are holding a Community Ideas Factory for our winter preparations in East Renfrewshire, particularly for those most isolated and affected by the cost-of-living challenge. This will be an opportunity to share your ideas and experiences with us and help shape what our collective offer could look like for communities this winter. We hope that this session will allow organisations a chance to co-design what the community-led response to cost of living challenges will look like this Winter, explore opportunities how we can all work together, and any funding opportunities available. The event will take place on Monday 21st August from 13:30-15:30 at the Foundry, Main St, Barrhead, Glasgow G78 1SW. If you would be interested in attending on Greenbank’s behalf, please contact the church office as soon as possible.
Church office; and 0141 644 1841.
All enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible.
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