IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Elizabeth Black of Bonnyton House, Oliphant Crescent, Clarkston. Mrs Black’s funeral will take place on Tuesday 14th August at 12.15pm at Greenbank and thereafter at 1.15pm at Mearns Cemetery. Please remember Mrs Black’s family and friends in your prayers.
A SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING for Mrs Mary Irene Dobson, one of our members, whose death was announced in church last Sunday, took place on Friday, 3rd August at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mrs Dobson’s family and friends in your prayers.
THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE KIRK SESSION in the Church at 11.45am on Sunday, 19th August. The purpose of the meeting is to approve a new printer for the church office.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm next Sunday – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
ARTICLES FOR THE SEPTEMBER EDITION OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by Sunday, 12th August. As Alison is on holiday please send/deliver all articles to the church office.
THE DELIVERY OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR will restart on 26th August. 3 districts have no visitor at present: district 17 (Strathearn Road-9 homes) district 21 (Mansefield Road-5 homes) and district 42 (Flenders Avenue/Road-10 homes). There are 9 Good Neighbours each year. If you can spare the time to cover one of these districts, contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (0141 638 7646).
COLLECTION OF LIFE & WORK – Please note Life & Work will not be delivered by the district visitors. Subscribers can now collect their July edition and their August edition will be ready for collection on 29th July from the Flower Room.
THE NEXT OUTING OF GREENBANK WALKING GROUP is to Maidens and Culzean Castle on Saturday 18th August leaving the church at 9.30am. Please confirm in advance to either Allan or Ishbel McLaren (639 5848) if you intend to join us.
FAMILY FITNESS FUNDRAISER – Sunday 26th August, 12noon – 5pm there will be loads of fitness fun to be had. Fitness classes for all levels; Beat the goalie; Bouncy castle; WII Just Dance; Games and races. But if fitness is not your thing come along and enjoy tea/coffee and home baking or grab lunch at the bbq. The money raised from the day will go towards Williamwood High School pupils 2019 trip to Malawi and helping the 2019 GB’s Special Olympics Team compete in Abu Dhabi. Lorna Preece.
SNAP COMMUNITY YOUTH CLUB is looking for volunteers to help on Saturday evenings 6.30pm-9.30pm during term time. If you feel you are able to give up a Saturday evening, even if it’s one evening per year, please contact Jeanne or email
REBECCACARMICHAEL’S AFTERNOON TEA FUNDRAISER FOR MALAWI, Saturday 18th August, 2pm-4pm at Greenbank Church Halls. Various Stalls; Entry £3. For more info please contact Sandra Williams on 07855 141097.
LHM ANNUAL FUNDRAISING DAY – The annual sponsored cycle is taking place on Saturday 25th August 2018. The route is the same as last year, leaving from Glasgow Green, covering 18 miles, and finishing at LHM itself. Smaller routes of 5 and 10 miles are also planned, in the hope that more people will participate.A BBQ is laid on for supporters and hungry cyclists. Even if you are not participating, come along on the day to support the cyclists, see the premises and enjoy Archie and Mark’s fine barbeque. If you would like to take part, please let me know. So far, our participants are Mark Allan, Jennifer Allan, Bill Stein, James Roddick, Chris Adam, Susan Wilkie, Gordon Wilkie and Matthew Wilkie. Please support the LHM by sponsoring our team – there will be a sponsor form in the Fraser Hall after the service. Alison Allan (638 3916)
POWER WALK SPONSORED WALK FOR CHRISTIAN AID – Saturday, 25th August – Walk with the C of S Moderator around the UK’s largest onshore windfarm. There is a choice of a 3 mile or a 7 mile route. There will be a pre-walk talk at 10am in Carswell Centre, Montgomery Street, Eaglesham. To RSVP and for more information contact Lucy on 0141 221 7475 or
WEEKLY SINGING CLASS FOR WOMEN – STARTS SEPTEMBER – Do you enjoy singing? Would you like to learn how to warm up and develop your voice from a professional singer and vocal coach? If so, this class is for you!
Join Louise from 11am – 12noon on Wednesdays in the Cowley Hall – classes start on 5th September 2018. No auditions are necessary and you don’t have to read music. Classes will focus on vocal warm ups and exercises to give your voice a workout, while learning about basic elements of singing technique. £64 (8 week course). For more information and to register, please contact Louise on 07759472970 or email
SLEEP IN THE PARK, SATURDAY 8 DECEMBER 2018 in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen. Why? To end homelessness. Details: The Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Rt. Rev. Susan M. Brown, needs your support and help and would like you to consider joining her. This year there are to be 4 places to sleep out and there is also going to be a “Wee Sleep Oot” for younger people. Could you involve your youth organisations? Local schools? As well as enthuse lots of grown-ups to join in? The aim is to set Scotland off down the road to ending homelessness through a route that has been tried and tested in other parts of the world. Let’s be radical and help things to change.
EAGLESHAM COMMUNITY CLUB, Carswell Centre, Montgomery Street, Eaglesham, G76 0AS, first Tuesday of the month, 2pm to 4pm. First 3 meetings of 2018: 7th August: Tea and chat; 4th September: Fire Brigade; 2nd October: History of Pollok House.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week.
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