Church Service Intimations

TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Lauren and Crawford and their son, Lachlan Crawford Brysland. Lachlan will be baptised this morning.

We pray that as Lachlan seeks to follow Jesus, he will know His love and presence in his life.

THE CONGREGATION wish Emma Gowler and Chic Ramsay, whose wedding took place on Saturday 4th May,

every blessing on the occasion of their marriage.

LEGACY UPDATE – An update in February let you know that the Kirk Session had come to the view that proceeding with its preferred option of creating a new church on the site opposite Williamwood High School was likely to result in a high risk of delay and too large a funding gap to make it feasible. It went on to say that the Session had gone back to the other options in the original feasibility report, i.e. building a new church on our existing site, probably on the manse site, or re-designing the current sanctuary building to increase its flexibility, replacing the old halls with a modern extension to the sanctuary building. An architect has been appointed to examine these two options in detail, assess what we might be able to do with remaining parts of the current site and to open discussion with the planners. We hope that the architect’s report will be ready by the summer and once the Session has studied it, the intention is to pass as much information as we can to you in order that we can come to a decision about the best way forward. We remain committed, as I am sure you are also, to creating a sustainable, worshipping congregation for future generations and this work will help determine how best that might be achieved. Gordon Dickson – Legacy Coordinating Group.

KIRK SESSION MINUTES of the meeting of 15th April are now available in the Centenary Chapel for those Session members who have not received them by email.

DISTRICT ELDERS – Communion invitations are now ready for delivery and can be uplifted from the Centenary Chapel.

ARTICLES FOR THE JUNE EDITION OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by Sunday, 11th May. DISTRICT VISITORS, who have not already done so, are asked to collect their copies of the May Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today please.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2019 – Christian aid week will run from 12th May to 18th May and your help with the annual door to door collection would be much appreciated. Collector packs will be available from Mark Allan and Ron Livingston after the morning service on 12th May in the Fraser hall. Further information from Mark Allan on 638 3916.

SUNDAY TEA ROTA – VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED FOR JUNE – if you/your organisation can help serving tea & coffee after the morning service, please add your details opposite the date of your choice, on the rota in the Centenary Chapel.


NEXT SUNDAY IS OUR CHRISTIAN AID BIG BREKKIE EVENT WITH PANCAKES & BACON ROLLS along with the usual tea, coffee and juice. Please consider making a donation for your Big Brekkie refreshments, as it will provide a boost to the work of Christian aid at the start of the annual collection week. Further information can be had from Mark Allan on 638 3916.

A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm next Sunday – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.

FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ Fridays 10th, 17th & 24th May, 10am -11am, new customers/helpers welcome. Blair Miller (577 5449)

THE ANNUAL SUNDAY CLUB PLANT SALE & COFFEE MORNING will be held on Saturday 11th May,9.30 am till 12noon . There will be the usual wide selection of bedding plants with a selection of herbaceous plants, alpines, etc. The halls will be open for donations of baking on the evening of Friday 10th May or from 8.30 am on the Saturday. This is the Sunday Club’s main fundraising event and we rely on help and support we get from parents and friends. Anyone who’d like to help on the morning please add your name to the notice in the Hall of Friendship after the service today or next Sunday, or contact Helen Howard on 585 7909 or

CHILDREN ARE MOST WELCOME to remain in church for the duration of the service however, if parents would prefer, we provide a CRÈCHE for children under 3 years of age in Room C, behind the stage in the church halls, for the duration of the service on Sundays when the Sunday Club meets. Visiting children over 3 years of age are also most welcome to join our Sunday Club or JAM when they leave the church after the Sunday Club and JAM prayer.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.


A MESSAGE FROM THE MODERATOR OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND requesting white ribbons to be tied in the church grounds as a physical symbol of solidarity with the churches and people of Sri Lanka.

ERC TEMPORARY RESTRICTION NOTICE on Friday, 10th May, 9.30am to 7pm on Eaglesham Road.


KNITTING FOR ALL CLASSES Tuesdays – or speak to Helen Howard.


A DOG WALKING SERVICE for less able dog owners.


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