Intimations 30th December 2022
Intimations 30th December 2022
T The You Tube link for family worship on Sunday 1st January at 10.30am is:
Warm Welcome Friday – Come along any Friday to receive a warm welcome and enjoy some company in our church halls. You are invited to enjoy hospitality and friendship between 10am and 4pm [morning coffee 10am to 12noon; lunch 12noon to 2.30pm and afternoon tea 2pm to 4pm.]
Volunteers are required between 10 and 12 and between 12 and 2.30pm to welcome anyone who takes up this invitation. Please email the church office as soon as possible if you are willing to help or speak to Jeanne.
Freewill Offering Envelopes 2023: District Elders please uplift your envelopes from the Centenary Chapel. If any of your district members use FWO envelopes, they will now need them urgently to make their weekly offerings.
The church secretary will be working on Friday 6th January only this coming week.
Saturday Book Club: Our next meeting will take place on Saturday 7th January in room A at 9.30am or 9.15am if you want to join us for breakfast, we will be reading chapters 6,7 and 8 which are “A darker trust”, “Wondering why” and “God’s world”. For any one new who would like to join us we are reading the book “God on Mute” by Pete Greig, the subject of which is “Engaging the silence of unanswered prayer”. For more information you can contact Ronnie McNeill on 01415776503, we would be very happy to see you. P.S. Remember to bring a mug if you would like tea or coffee.
Volunteers to read the bible lessons over the next 3 months would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and email address/phone number to the service of your choice. We are always looking for new volunteers, so even if you have never read the lesson before please consider adding your name to the list. You will be contacted in the preceding week with the readings.
Volunteers are required for welcoming duty team. The duty is only once every eight weeks and swaps are easily arranged. It is not onerous but help is urgently needed. Please contact Malcolm Pickard at or phone him on 644 1940 if you can help.
If you know of someone in need of prayer and would like their name to be added to Greenbank’s prayer list, please contact our Prayer Promoter, Gillian Foy at or call her on 638 6245.
LHM & Glasgow NE Foodbank -Donations can be made Mon, Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon & also Sat & Sun 9.45am-11.30am.
LHM donations, particularly of UHT milk and kettle foods e.g. pot noodles, can be put on the trolley in the Link building at the times listed above. Not required: sugar, toiletries, clothing, bedding, duvets & towels. L Smith.
The Foodbank is always grateful for Greenbank’s donations. We would appreciate nutritious foodstuffs: Tinned meat (not Fray Bentos, tinned fruit & veg, UHT milk & juice, diluting juice, tinned & packet potato (mash), tinned rice & custard, packet custard, pasta sauces, pasta, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, Toiletries; nappies & baby wipes. Donation box in link building. Thank you all. Alex Howie
The new Church Flower list for 2023 is now on the Transept windowsill. If you would like to donate flowers for the Church next year please put your name on the date you would like or phone Elizabeth Cross on 638 5162.
Parking Safely and Considerately: If you park your car on Eaglesham Road on a Sunday morning please remember to leave adequate space for large vehicles such as buses to pass between your parked car and the traffic island situated outside the manse.
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