TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
THE SOCIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE will meet after the service this morning.
NEXT SUNDAY, 6TH NOVEMBER, the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10.30am and at 6.30pm with an All-Age Communion. There will also be a short Communion Service at 3.00pm on Sunday 13th November. After these services there will be a retiring offering on behalf of the Greenbank Missionary Fund. Our Preparatory Service will be held on Friday 4th November at 7.30pm.
THE AGENDA AND REPORTS FOR THE KIRK SESSION MEETING taking place on Monday, 7TH November are available in the Centenary Chapel for members of the Kirk Session who have not received them by email.
THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed tomorrow.
REMEMBRANCE DAY POPPIES are now available before and after the morning service at the front of the church.
DISTRICT VISITORS are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today please.
THE STAGE SOUND EQUIPMENT in the Cowley Hall requires replacement/updating. We have been using a donated home hifi amplifier which, after many years’ service, has finally broadcast its last sound! If anyone has a surplus ‘home stereo’ and would like to donate it to the Church it would be most appreciated. We are also looking for some additional speakers and would be interested in any sound and stage equipment. Please contact either Stephen Blanchflower or Neil Scholfield if you can assist.
JAMES A SIMPSON’S LATEST BOOK “UNCOMMON SENSE AND COMIC NONSENSE”, priced £5.95 will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after morning service. Royalties for the sale go to Cystic Fibrosis research. Joyce Crombie
CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after the service on all Sundays until 11th December to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. Cards are £3.50 for a pack of 10. Come and see the selection during tea and coffee and support the LHM.
WINTER FAIR TEA ROOM – Donations of mince pies, shortbread and good quality biscuits would be welcome for the Tea Room at the Winter Fair on 12th November. Please bring them along on the Friday evening or first thing on the Saturday morning. Thankyou – Grace Paterson (638 6350).
CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND: A gathering is taking place on Saturday 5 November 1.15pm to 4.15pm (lunch will be provided) at the Alona Hotel, Strathclyde Country Park, Bellshill, Motherwell ML1 3RT in order to hear the views and ideas of church workers as we consider how best to support and develop the church’s ministry with children and youth. The stimulus for this has been the review that we are carrying out on the National Youth Assembly which has raised wider questions about how we could develop the church’s ministry with children and youth. Anyone wishing to attend should confirm their attendance to Wayne Morris at Also use this email if you wish to be added to the distribution list of the Mission & Discipleship Council so that you are periodically alerted to information on learning and development provision that is appropriate to you in your capacity as a person working with children and youth in the church. John Chalmers, Principal Clerk, Chair of the Mission & Discipleship NYA Review
MESSY FESTIVAL SATURDAY 12TH NOVEMBER 2016 @ 10AM – King’s Park Parish Church, 242 Castlemilk Road, G44 4LB. The seminar will be led by Lucy Moore for existing Messy Church leaders and teams. Would you like to get involved in Greenbank’s Messy and go along? Spend quality and fun time together exploring at a deeper level the various aspects of Messy Church with a chance to learn from each other and consider some big questions about how we continue to grow our Messy Churches. Lunch provided (£5 a person). Details of how to book at
TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED, add your details to the rota in the Centenary chapel if you can help.
A VOLUNTEER IS REQUIRED as District Visitor for Mansefield Crescent (9 homes). Contact Margot/Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. We are always looking for new volunteers, so even if you have never read the lesson before please consider adding your name to the list. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings. Thank you.
FAIRTRADE GOODS will be on sale in the halls after the service next Sunday, 6th November.
THE GUILD LOOK FORWARD TO A VISIT ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.15PM from Ian McCrorie who is going to talk about Clyde Steamers. Mr McCrorie is an expert in this subject. Visitors, especially gentlemen, welcome.
PRACTICES FOR THIS YEAR’S NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS Thursdays from 8pm in the Church. As usual we invite anyone who would like to join with the choir for this service to come along to the weekly rehearsals. You don’t need to be able to read music – we teach all the parts, and recordings of each part for all choir pieces are provided. If you would like more information please speak to the organist, Peter Howard.
FRIENDSHIP CAFE meets every Friday at 10am (except the last one of each month when you are invited to the Lunch Club). Why not come along to the church halls for a cup of tea and a blether. Bring a friend – the more the merrier! Blair Miller (577 5449)
COMMUNITY CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT – Wednesday 7th December @ 7.30pm. Tickets now available priced £5 (which include refreshments) from Neil & Val Scholfield, choir members and the church office.
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE SHAWL MINISTRY GROUP takes place on Saturday 5th November at 10.30am at Craigend East and Garthamlock Parish Church. If you would like to come along please contact the church office – lifts can be arranged. We will leave Greenbank at 10am. As well as shawls the group has also begun knitting ‘Twiddle muffs’ for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. If you would like to knit a shawl or muff but can’t manage the meetings the group would be delighted to receive items knitted lovingly and focused on the care and wellbeing of their anonymous recipient. Knitting patterns for shawls and muffs have been placed on the table outside the church office – please feel free to take one. A blessing will be offered over any completed items by the Shawl Ministry group before being sent on its way. Thank you to everyone who has donated needles, wool and work for this Ministry your kindness has already brought great comfort to many.
LODGING HOUSE MISSION urgently require volunteers for general kitchen & hall duties. The workload is not physically or mentally taxing but is very necessary to our Christian service & outreach & you will meet a lot of interesting people. We are very flexible on working hours, but as an indication, most volunteers do1 day per week, working 9.30am till around 2pm. However, we can accommodate most working patterns. Phone Helen Hart at the LHM in the first instance (0141 552 0285)
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