TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our elders, Mr Charlie Cairns, of 29 Craighill Drive, Clarkston. Charlie’s funeral will take place on Tuesday, 5th June at 3pm at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Charlie’s family and friends in your prayers.
OUR MINISTER, Jeanne, will be in Malawi from 6th June until 27th June. If you require the services of a minister during this time please contact our Session Clerk, Mr Derek Christie (638 0044) or our Deputy Session Clerk, Mr Peter Liddell (638 7870) in the first instance.
THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE KIRK SESSION ON TUESDAY 5TH JUNE. Papers are available in the Centenary chapel for those who do not receive them by e-mail.
DISTRICT VISITORS please collect your copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today please.
SCRIPTURE UNION BIBLE READING NOTES for the next quarter are available for those who ordered them in the Centenary Chapel today.
COSY CAFÉ – The number of children attending has grown and volunteers are now required urgently as ideally 3 adult volunteers should be in attendance each week. Without additional volunteers it will not be possible to run Cosy Café. Your time commitment would be one Friday afternoon roughly once a month from 2.45pm till 4pm. You would be required to make hot chocolate and toast for the young people and interact with them. If you think this is something you can help with please contact the church office on 644 1841 or as soon as possible.
SNAP COMMUNITY YOUTH CLUB is looking for volunteers to help on Saturday evenings 6.30pm-9.30pm during term time. If you feel you are able to give up a Saturday evening, even if it’s one evening per year, please contact Jeanne or email
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK COLLECTION – Many thanks to everyone who participated in the annual door to door collection for Christian Aid week. The week started well with the sum of £527 raised in donations at the Big Brekkie event on 13/5/18 after the morning service. Currently, including the aforementioned sum, £3800 has been raised by Greenbank collectors on behalf of Christian Aid. This total will also benefit from gift aid from those who completed this option with their donation. I think that this figure represents a remarkable achievement when considering the challenges of voluntary contributions sought for so many deserving causes. Thank you to all who have given of their time and talents to achieve this result. M. Allan
THE GREENBANK PLAYERS are looking for someone who might be able to make a compilation DVD from the collection of Videos and some DVDs of the past productions (not all 70 years!) Any offers of help please contact June Alexander on 644 2682.
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated tonight at 6.30pm with an All Age Communion and Thanksgiving Service. After all Communion services there will be a retiring offering on behalf of Crossreach.
GROUNDS COMMITTEE – if you have green fingers please come along and help with the grounds of the church at 7pm on Tuesdays.
CLARKSTON COMMUNITY CHOIR ANNUAL SUMMER CONCERT (in aid of Parkinson’s and Motor Neurone Disease) – Monday 4th June in Greenbank church. The programme includes a varied and eclectic mix of music alongside the fabulous Spitha Brass. From Broadway to Bill Withers, along with some items from our guest brass quintet, there’s something for everyone! 7.30pm, tickets £5 available on the door/from Greenbank Church Office/from choir members (includes tea and coffee after the concert in the church halls).
223rd B.B. ANNUAL JUMBLE SALE, Saturday 9th June, 10am – 12noon at Greenbank. Jumble can be collected from Tuesday 5th June to Friday 8th June between 7pm and 9.30pm. If you have large items you wish us to uplift, call the church halls on 644 4878 to arrange collection. Alternatively, items can be handed in to the Church from 9am-12noon or 1pm-3pm Tuesday to Friday. The 223rd Boys Brigade would be grateful for help with all aspects of the event. If you can help, please contact John Meek.
HARLEQUIN YOUTH THEATRE is performing the junior version of Guys and Dolls at Eastwood Theatre from 6th to 9th June. For further information please contact, Louise Harley (0141 621 0250).
FINAL DETAILS FOR THE EASTWOOD INTER CHURCHES BOWLS EVENT on Saturday, 30th June are now available. Entry is £4 per player and players are asked to be at Giffnock Bowling Club by 1.45pm for a 2 pm start. Afternoon tea will be served. I have received 2 team entries so far. If you cannot put a team together, please turn up on the day and you will get a game. Any further team entries should be given to me by phone on 585 0008 or email at w.rob
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