TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Christina Montgomery of 15 Hillview Drive, Clarkston. Mrs Montgomery’s funeral will take place on Tuesday, 31st October at 1pm at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mrs Montgomery’s family and friends in your prayers.
IT IS ALSO WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of another of our members, Miss Barbara Craig of Clarkston House formerly of Eaglesham Road, Clarkston. Miss Craig’s funeral has still to be arranged. Please remember Miss Craig’s family and friends in your prayers.
THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE KIRK SESSION ON MONDAY 6th November. The Agenda and Reports are now available in the Centenary chapel for those who have not received them by e-mail.
THE MINUTES OF THE KIRK SESSION MEETING held on 4th September 2017 are available in the Centenary Chapel for those members of the Kirk Session who have not received them by email.
NOTICE FOR DISTRICT ELDERS – Communion invitations and the annual financial campaign envelopes for your district are now available for uplift from the front of the Centenary Chapel.
CROHN’S AND COLITIS UK RAFFLE TICKETS – In January 2017, Millie Simpson (Aged 9) a member of our Sunday Club, was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. To help raise funds for crucial research projects, Millie will be selling raffle tickets on behalf of the charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK at the coffee break after the service on Sunday 5th November. Raffle tickets cost £1 each and the top prize is £1000. The whole Simpson family would be very grateful for any support you could give.
REMEMBRANCE DAY POPPIES are now available before and after the morning service at the front of the church.
DEMENTIA FRIENDLY WALK –Monday 30th October at 2pm Pavilion within Rouken Glen. For more info see the halls’ noticeboard.
SU BIBLE READING MATERIAL 2018 – order forms are available for the reading material from the front of the church and the Link building. Order forms, together with a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, could be returned to the church by today at the latest please. Our Scripture Union representative is Rachel MacKay (644 2521).
THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE TODAY have been donated by the Boys’ Brigade to commemorate Founder’s Day.
DISTRICT VISITORS are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today please.
CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale today in the Fraser Hall after the morning service to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. Cards cost £3.50 for a pack of 10. Come and see the selection which is available.
COULD YOU MAKE UP A TEAM OF FOUR FROM GREENBANK TO PARTICIPATE IN WILLIAMWOOD CHURCH’S 80TH ANNIVERSARY QUIZ NIGHT? The event is being held on Saturday 28th October at 7.30pm. The aim is to have all the local churches represented. Nothing like a bit of rivalry to keep the community going! Supper is included in the ticket price and wine/beer will be on sale. Tickets are now available. Adult – £5.00, Child (School age) – £3.00, Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) – £15.00. For tickets, either speak with any member of Willamwood Church, or phone Jerry on 041 571 9063.
NEXT SUNDAY, 5TH NOVEMBER, the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10.30am and at 6.30pm with an All-Age Communion. After these services there will be a retiring offering on behalf of the Greenbank Missionary Fund. Our Preparatory Service will be held on Friday 3rd November at 7.30pm.
MESSY CHURCH Friday 3rd November, 4pm-6pm for more details, to book a place or offer help, please email
Val Scholfield will be visiting THE GUILD on Wednesday. Val works for the charity which provides support for children who have been bereaved. We are sure this will be an interesting afternoon. Visitors welcome.
TIME OUT IS HAVING THEIR ANNUAL FUNDRAISER, in the form of a fun Beetle Drive, on Thursday 2 November in the Church Halls. All members of the congregation and friends are welcome. Tickets are £3 each – please call Moira McAldine on 639 5968 or Sharon Mitchell on 644 2448 to reserve yours. There will be a prize draw and refreshments on the night.
FRIENDSHIP CAFE meets every Friday at 10am (except the last one of each month when you are invited to the Lunch Club). Why not come along to the church halls for a cup of tea and a blether. Bring a friend – the more the merrier! Blair Miller (577 5449)
TUESDAY NIGHT BOOK CLUB: Come along to our first meeting in room A on Tuesday, 7th November, 7.30pm – 8.30pm.
CHRISTMAS FAIR – Saturday 11th November 10am- 1pm. Tickets now on sale £2.00 and £1.00 for school age children. Donations for all stalls would be appreciated and should be brought along and placed in box in Hall of Friendship at any time or brought along to the hall on Friday 10th November. We look forward to seeing you at the Fair and your continued support is very much appreciated. Thank you.
COULD YOU VOLUNTEER TO HELP AT THE SNAP YOUTH GROUP ON ONE SATURDAY NIGHT? Another volunteer is needed on 11th November and 9th December. Please contact the church office or email
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND IS GETTING BACK ‘ON THE ROAD’ (11 NOVEMBER, 2pm-4pm, Renfield St Stephen’s Church, Glasgow) to share what we have learned from listening to church members and to listen to your feedback on our report. What we heard was that the Kirk must widen its reach, deepen its commitment and become more flexible in its approach if it is to meet the needs of 21st Century Scotland. The Councils of the Church have been drafting up the Strategic Plan as part of planning for the future. Come and join us again, or even for the first time, ‘On the Road’ as we look to feed back to you what we heard and where we have reached. These events are an open invitation to everyone connected with the Church. Whether you are a regular worshipper, or an occasional attender; whether you take a leadership role in your local Church or simply drop in from time to time – ‘On the Road’ wants to hear from you. If you can’t make the Glasgow date you can go along on 23rd November to St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church, Edinburgh, 7pm -9pm. There are also alternative dates in Dundee and Inverness.Booking is open now at: Group booking is available so bring others along with you!
THINKING ALLOWED LECTURE SERIES – Thursday 9th November, 7.30pm for 8pm at Orchardhill Parish Church. The speaker will be Very Rev. Lorna Hood. Lecture: “Srebrenica and the End of Ethnic Tolerance. A glass of wine or soft drink will be served from 7.30pm
SLEEP IN THE PARK – a mass sleep-out to end homelessness in Scotland. For Good. Saturday 9th December.
Will you join in? Our minister and some others from our congregation are hoping to take part – anyone who wants to join them should speak to Jeanne (644 1395) email: or Alison Allan (638 3916) email:
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