Church Service Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

OUR MINISTER WILL BE ON ANNUAL LEAVE from 16th April – 30th April inclusive. If you require a minister during this time please contact Rev Tom Nelson (534 7834). Please pass pastoral requests to our Session Clerk, Mr Derek Christie (638 0044) or our Deputy Session Clerk, Mr Peter Liddell (638 7870).


Intimation is hereby given and an invitation is extended to all members of the congregation to ‘The 134th Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation’ on Sunday 13th May 2018 after church. This will be a Stated Annual Meeting with a difference! It will take place in conjunction with Christian Aid’s Big Brekkie – the fundraising ‘brunch’ that marks the beginning of Christian Aid week. All groups and organisations within Greenbank have already been invited to make a display of the things that they believe are worth celebrating and which reveal how God has been good to them in 2017/18. Copies of Greenbank’s Financial Accounts for 2017 will also be available and the Treasurer will be in attendance to answer any questions. Greenbank’s Legacy work will also be on display and representatives from the Legacy Group will be present to answer questions.

MALAWI 2018 As in past years, our Minister Jeanne would be delighted to receive any donations of paracetamol or Ibuprofen for the hospital pharmacy in Ekwendeni. Please leave donations at the Church office or with our Church Officer John Meek by 4 June.

                  DISTRICT VISITORS are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today.

NOTICE TO DISTRICT ELDERS – Communion invitations are now ready for delivery and can be uplifted from the front of the Centenary Chapel.

EVERYONE IS INVITED to the eighth Heart and Soul 2018, taking place on Sunday 20th May from 12.30pm – 6pm. Visitors will notice significant changes to the event in 2018. As well as reflections and ideas from organisations and congregations of the Kirk on the theme of ‘Peace be with you!’ those who attend will experience a change to the layout of the park.

Sunday Club members and their families are welcome to join us at our new Family Stage where we will be hosting a giant picnic with Fischy music, games, stories and lots of fun from 12.30pm – 3pm. As the theme of the event is ‘Peace be with you!’ we are encouraging everyone to … ‘Bring Your Piece’ and join us at the picnic.

In another ‘first’ for this year’s event we are hosting the “In Conversation” tent. It will feature a timetable of interesting talks with contributions from Sally Magnusson; Very Rev Dr Lorna Hood OBE with Louise MacDonald (Young Scot); Ross Greer MSP with Very Rev Dr Derek Browning and Robin Downie; Anna Magnusson with Rev Dr Margaret Forrester; and Scots in Great War London Group. Church Elder and BBC’s Hugh Pym will host “In Conversation”.

Add in to all of that over 60 congregation and exhibitors sharing their work and ministry, a packed Main Stage programme of bands and drama, Peace @ St. Cuthbert’s Church and a massive worship service at 5pm in the Ross Bandstand

For the first time, as part of the Year of Young People, we are also hosting a FREE YOUTH EVENT IN THE GARDENS ON SATURDAY 19 MAY FROM 7-9PM which promises to be something very special. We are working in collaboration with Powerpoint Scotland and have invited the Christian EDM group LZ7, to play for an event which aims to attract up to 1,000 young people for a mix of live music, enthusiastic & exciting worship and fellowship.

For more information visit our website or see the posters on the noticeboards in the hall of friendship.

PETER HOWARD is giving the Organ Concert in Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum on Saturday 12th May at 1pm.

MALAWI 2018 – A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY – Our Minister, Jeanne, along with Rev Catherine Beattie and Mr George Watson from Queen’s Park Football Club who are accompanying Williamwood High School to Ekwendeni in Malawi in June are hosting a fundraising ‘Music Party Night’ at Lesser Hampden on Friday 11th May from 7.30pm. Entertainment and a light supper will be provided. There will be a Tombola and Raffle and anyone who would like to donate an item should leave them at the church office, or with Greenbank’s Church Officer John Meek or contact the minister at . Tickets for the fundraising evening will be on sale soon at a cost of £10. Jeanne, Catherine & George hope to raise money that will enable them to further the work and care of children in the Ekwendeni area and would be greatly appreciate any offers of help and support.

LODGING HOUSE MISSION is seeking volunteers to help in our kitchen and main hall.  Duties are basic but the effect is huge.

Can you spare 1 day per week, (or even a half day) to extend care and compassion to people who are on the margins of society by virtue of homelessness, mental health and addiction? Contact Gus on 0141 552 0285 or email

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK  13TH MAY TO 19TH MAY – Volunteers are urgently needed to fulfil our target of visiting every home within the Parish to carry out door to door collections. If you would like to be a collector, please contact me or see me in the Fraser Hall following the service on 13th May where you will receive an envelope containing all you will need to collect within your allocated street. Last year, unfortunately, we were unable to collect from many of the 87 streets in our district due to a shortage of volunteer collectors. Volunteers are also required to count the donations. Additionally, following the success of the last 2 years ‘Big Brekkie’ events, it is hoped to repeat this on the 13th May after the service as part of the S.A.M. Volunteers will serve bacon rolls & pancakes to accompany the normal refreshments in the Fraser hall after the service. Please consider making a donation to Christian Aid for your participation in this event and supporting the charity by either collecting or helping with the count. Mark Allan & Ron Livingston.

CLARKSTON CHURCHES TOGETHER – PENTECOST QUIZCCT is holding a Pentecost Quiz in Stamperland Parish Church on Sunday 20th May starting at 4.30pm in the afternoon, when there’ll be some light hearted questions, with picture and music rounds, party food, and a prize appropriate to the occasion. No need to come as part of a team, and no need for too much by way of grey matter either. Donations to Christian Aid. All ages most welcome; this is a family friendly event.


A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm next Sunday – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.

SUNDAY CLUB PLANT SALE – As you will see from the flyer than has been handed to you on your way into church this morning, the plant sale takes place on Saturday 12th May, 9.30am-12noon. If you wish to help at the plant sale please add your name to the chart in the Hall of Friendship after the service.

SATURDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB – The next meeting takes place on Saturday 4th May at 9am for one hour with breakfast refreshments being served from 8.45am in Room A. The group will be starting to read ‘The Writings’ which is the third major division of the Old Testament. The books included are, Psalms, Lamentations, Song of Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther and Daniel. ‘The Writings’ is arranged in an order that helps the reader see the unfolding drama more easily. Eliminating many distractions ‘The Writings’ enables the reader to experience Scripture the way its authors intended. Copies of the book have been placed in the Centenary Chapel and cost £2.50 [which can be paid at the Book Club meetings]. If you wish to take a book please put your name on the sheet provided. At the first meetings pages 1-46 will be discussed and participants should read these beforehand.

THE SHAWL MINISTRY – The next meeting of the Shawl Ministry Group takes place on Saturday 12th May at 10.30am here at Greenbank in Room A. Anyone who would like to come along is warmly invited. The group has morning coffee, knits and chats for a while before offering a closing blessing on any completed items before being sent to recipients. If you would like to knit a shawl or muff but can’t manage the meetings the group would be delighted to receive any items that have been lovingly knitted and focused on the care and wellbeing of an anonymous recipient. Wool and knitting patterns for shawls and muffs are on the table outside the church office.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week.


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