Church Service Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

DISTRICT VISITORS, please collect your copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today.

THE FEBRUARY & MARCH PRESBYTERY REPORTS are available in the Centenary Chapel for those members of the Kirk Session who did not receive them by email.

SPECIAL NOTICE – We have had notification of bogus workmen operating in the Clarkston area recently. It is unusual these days for reputable companies to go around knocking on doors looking for business so treat each caller with a huge dose of suspicion. NEVER agree on the doorstep to any work being done for you. ALWAYS tell the caller politely that you’ll think about it and will talk to someone else before making a decision (this normally deters bogus callers). NEVER pay money up front unless you receive a proper invoice (check that there’s a VAT registration number – the absence of one is a tell-tale sign that things aren’t quite right) and never accept a lift to the bank to withdraw money. ALWAYS try and get the name of the individual and/or company – you can easily check them out by phoning East Renfrewshire Trading Standards on 0800 013 0076 (confidential helpline). Take time before making a decision ask a family member for advice or phone a friend.

THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed on Friday of next week, but open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9-2.30pm.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2019 – Christian aid week will run from 12th May to 18th May and your help with the annual door to door collection would be much appreciated. Collector packs will be available from Mark Allan and Ron Livingston after the morning service on 12th May in the Fraser hall where we will also be holding a Big Brekkie event with pancakes and Bacon rolls along with the usual Tea, coffee and juice. Please consider making a donation for your Big Brekkie refreshments, as it will provide a much needed boost to the work of Christian aid at the start of the annual collection week. Any further information can be obtained by contacting Mark on 638 3916.

GUILD OUTING TO CRIEFF on Wednesday, 22nd May, 6 seats still available on the bus, phone E. Cross 638 5162 for info.


FAIRTRADE GOODS will be on sale in the halls after the service today.

FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ will meet on Friday between 10am and 11ish, new customers or helpers very welcome. Enjoy some coffee or tea and our speciality toasted fruit loaf with butter. Blair Miller (577 5449)

SATURDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB: Saturday, 4th May, breakfast refreshments served from 8.45am, Room A.

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE SHAWL MINISTRY GROUP takes place on Saturday, 4th May at 10.30am in Room A. We have morning coffee, knit and chat for a while before offering a closing blessing on any completed items. All welcome.

FUN FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR ALL THE FAMILY 4th May, 2pm-4pm. Tea, Coffee & Home Baking. Face & Nail Painting, Kids Tattoos & Bouncy Castle. This event is in support of Alison, Maria & Caron who are raising funds for Ekwendeni, Malawi.

THE ANNUAL SUNDAY CLUB PLANT SALE & COFFEE MORNING will be held on Saturday 11th May, 9.30am till 12noon. There will be the usual wide selection of bedding plants with a selection of herbaceous plants, alpines, etc. The hall will be open for donations of baking on the evening of Friday 10th May or from 8.30am on the Saturday. Anyone who’d like to help on the morning please add your name to the notice in the Hall of Friendship after the service today or next Sunday, or contact Helen Howard on 585 7909 or

LHM SUGAR APPEAL LHM is currently experiencing a shortage of sugar and any donations would be greatly appreciated. If you can help, please leave donations of sugar in the big blue bucket in the Link Building. Thank you.

EAST RENFREWSHIRE LOSS, GRIEF & BEREAVEMENT EVENT- There are still a couple of places available for the East Renfrewshire Loss, Grief and Bereavement event at the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice in Bellahouston Park on Wednesday 15th May. There is no charge for this event and catering will be provided. If you would like any more information please see the noticeboard in the corridor outside the Fraser Hall.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.


SCOTTISH CHURCHES HOUSING ACTION: Kiltwalk in Glasgow, 28 April in aid of SCHA


KNITTING FOR ALL CLASSES Tuesdays – or speak to Helen Howard.


A DOG WALKING SERVICE for less able dog owners.


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