TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Miss Audrey Granger of 38 Hawthorn Court, Clarkston. Miss Granger’s funeral service will take place on Friday 7th October at 1pm at Greenbank and thereafter at 2pm at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Miss Granger’s family and friends in your prayers.

OUR HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE takes place next week. . Please bring your Harvest envelope for Lodging House Mission, which you received in September’s Good Neighbour, if you wish to donate.

All members of the congregation are also invited to donate non-perishable food items to the LHM at our Harvest service

Items from the following list would be much appreciated:-

Cereal (Corn flakes, Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, Weetabix, Rice Krispies, Sugar Puffs, Frosties, Coco Pops, Porridge), Tinned Soup (Chicken, Tomato, Lentil, Scotch Broth, Vegetable, Minestrone), Tinned Meat / Fish (Tuna, Ham, Corned Beef, Meatballs, Hotdogs, Stew, Haggis), Tinned Pasta (Ravioli, Macaroni), Tinned Vegetables (Tomatoes, Carrots, Peas, Sweet Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Baked Beans, Potatoes, Pasta Sauce, Curry Sauce), Tinned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Mandarins, Fruit Cocktail), Tinned custard and rice pudding, Other ( Coffee – not decaffeinated, Sugar, Tomato sauce, Brown sauce, Vinegar, Long Grain Rice, Broth Mix, Dried Peas, Lentils, Fruit juice, Diluting juice, Biscuits) The LHM currently has a plentiful supply of tea bags, dated until 2018, so tea bags are not required at the present time. The following items are also not required – dried pasta, pearl barley, drinking chocolate, marmalade, muesli, prunes, Shredded Wheat, tinned grapefruit. Thank you for your understanding and support. Alison Allan

NOTICE FOR DISTRICT ELDERS – Communion invitations and the annual financial campaign envelopes for your district are now available for uplift from the front of the Centenary Chapel.

MINUTES of the last Kirk Session meeting are now available for members of the Kirk Session who did not receive them by email.

SCRIPTURE UNION BIBLE READING MATERIAL 2017– order forms are available for the reading material from the front of the church and the Link building. It would be very much appreciated if the order forms, together with a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, could be returned to the church by Sunday 16th October at the latest please. Our Scripture Union representative is Rachel MacKay (644 2521).

DISTRICT VISITORS are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today.



ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.15PM Mary Moran will be telling the Guild of the work done by Mary’s Meals – a topic close to most people’s hearts. All welcome.

LUNCH CLUB: We meet on Friday 30th September at 12 till 1.30pm. Come along and enjoy soup and filled rolls not to mention the happy team of helpers ready to welcome you. Jan, Maureen and the lunch club team.

GREENBANK CHURCH’S LADIES EVENING: Friday 14th October, 7pm in the church halls. Tickets priced £15 each are available from Graham Vance, Stephen Blanchflower or Neil Scholfield.

SAMOS APPEA – I would just like to say thank you for your kindness in collecting for the Samos Appeal; Jeanette who organised the appeal on Greenbank’s behalf was absolutely fantastic. Fiona Hamilton (Organiser of Samos Appeal, St. Joseph’s Church)

GLASGOW N E FOODBANK is looking for volunteers for their new facility opening in Blairtummock Community Centre in Garthamlock on Thursday afternoons. A short training course is provided for volunteers prior to starting. Also a taster experience can be provided at the Parkhead hub. To volunteer or for more info about the foodbank contact Alex Howie on 6385169.

CHRISTIAN AID SPONSORED SWIM: The annual sponsored swim will take place on Saturday 8th October at Eastwood swimming pool. Sponsor forms are available from the Hall of friendship, and from Mark Allan and Ron Livingston. Please lend your support to this fun event by taking part or by sponsoring one or more of our participants. Thank you once again in anticipation of your support for Christian Aid. Mark Allan

JOHN HUME LECTURE -29th September at 6pm, presented by Prof. Ian Campbell of Edinburgh University .at St George’s Tron Church, Glasgow. For tickets email: To receive your tickets by post, please write requesting them and include a stamped, addressed envelope to Georgina Treharne-Hulks,Development Officer Scotland’s Churches Trust 15 North Bank Street, Edinburgh  EH1 2LP. (0131 225 8644)

THE OUTREACH GROUP AT MEARNSKIRK invites our friends at Greenbank to a special event on Tuesday 11th October at 7.30pm. Representatives from East Renfrewshire Foodbank and Glasgow’s Lodging House Mission will be speaking about the work of each organisation, how our donations are used and how our support could be taken forward in the future. The Christian motivation to help the disadvantaged and the Biblical imperative for social justice will also be considered. Please join us for an evening of fellowship, tea and cake.

TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL REQUIRED for October, November and December. If you, or an organisation of which you are a member, are able to help please add your details to the rota in the Centenary Chapel.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week.



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