Church Service Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.


OUR MINISTER, Jeanne, will be on study leave until 27th June. If you require the services of a minister during this time please contact our Session Clerk, Mr Derek Christie (638 0044) or our Deputy Session Clerk, Mr Peter Liddell (638 7870).

THE GREAT GET TOGETHER, 24th June, 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Rouken Glen Park. As a friend of the late Jo Cox, the M.P. who tragically died at the hands of a far right terrorist in 2016, Blair McDougall invites people from our congregation to join in with this event, which took place for the first time last year. In the spirit of Jo’s words that, ‘we have so much more in common than divides us’, we are invited to join people of all faiths and none; all political persuasions and none, bring a picnic and enjoy a game of rounders on the grass near the Pavilion. Find out more about the Great Get Together at:

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND GUILD is being held in Dundee on Saturday, 1st September from 10.30a.m until 3.30pm. Thornliebank Church is streaming this event and invite Guild members who are interested to share this meeting with them. Anyone interested in going to Thornliebank Church should contact Elizabeth Cross 638 5162 or Enid Dron 639 8482 for further details before the end of June.

NATIONAL YOUTH ASSEMBLY 2018 – NYA is a platform for young adults between the ages of 17 and 25 with a Church of Scotland connection, to voice their opinions and actively participate in decision making within the Church of Scotland. This year the discussion topics will be: End of Life Issues; Being Ecumenical and Social Media. NYA takes place on 17th to 20th August at Gartmore House, Stirlingshire. Book online at (booking closes 17th July 2018). Social media: twitter: @cosy_nya @nyamoderator Facebook: cofsnationalyouthassembly Instagram: cofs_nya Please inform the church office at: if you intend to take part.

FAIRTRADE GOODS will be on sale in the Fraser Hall on Sunday 8th July after morning service.

COLLECTION OF LIFE & WORK – Please note, as is normal practice in the summer months, Life & Work will not be delivered by the district visitors. Subscribers can now collect their July edition and their August edition will be ready for collection on 29th July from the Flower Room.

VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings.

COSY CAFÉ – The number of children attending has grown and volunteers are now required urgently as ideally 3 adult volunteers should be in attendance each week. Without additional volunteers it will not be possible to run Cosy Café. Your time commitment would be one Friday afternoon roughly once a month from 2.45pm till 4pm. You would be required to make hot chocolate and toast for the young people and interact with them. If you think this is something you can help with please contact the church office on 644 1841 or

SNAP COMMUNITY YOUTH CLUB is looking for volunteers to help on Saturday evenings 6.30pm-9.30pm during term time. If you feel you are able to give up a Saturday evening, even if it’s one evening per year, please contact Jeanne or email

GREENBANK GROUNDS COMMITTEE – volunteers welcome at 7pm on Tuesdays.

FINAL DETAILS FOR THE EASTWOOD INTER CHURCHES BOWLS EVENT on Saturday, 30th June are now available. Entry is £4 per player and players are asked to be at Giffnock Bowling Club by 1.45pm for a 2 pm start. Afternoon tea will be served. I have received 2 team entries so far. If you cannot put a team together, please turn up on the day and you will get a game. Any further team entries should be given to me by phone on 585 0008 or email at

LODGING HOUSE MISSION ANNUAL FUNDRAISING DAY – The annual sponsored cycle is taking place on Saturday 25th August. The route is the same as last year, leaving from Glasgow Green, covering 18 miles, and finishing at LHM itself.  Smaller routes of 5 and 10 miles are also planned, in the hope that more people will participate. A BBQ is laid on for supporters and hungry cyclists.  Even if you are not participating, come along on the day to support the cyclists, see the premises and enjoy Archie and Mark’s fine bbq. Once again LHM is asking as many people as possible to enter or to sponsor someone else who is taking part.  If you would like to take part please let me know. I will be seeking sponsorship for our participants nearer the time. A. Allan (638 3916)

THE GREENBANK PLAYERS are looking for someone who might be able to make a compilation DVD from the collection of Videos and some DVDs of the past productions (not all 70 years. Please contact June Alexander on 644 2682 if you can help.

THE FLOWER LIST FOR 2018 is available on the transept windowsill. Anyone wishing to donate flowers is invited to add their name at the date of their choice.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week.



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