TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Craig and Jennifer and their daughter, Emily Jacqueline MacAskill. Emily will be baptised this morning. We pray that as she seeks to follow Jesus, Emily will know His love and presence in her life.

OUR MINISTER IS A COMMISSIONER THIS YEAR AT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. The proceedings will be steamed live all week and can be accessed via the C of S website.

VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. We are always looking for new volunteers, so please consider adding your name to the list. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings. Thank you.

DISTRICT ELDERS: Your June Communion invitations are now available for uplift from the front of the Centenary Chapel. Please note that all 3 Communions i.e.10.30am, 3.00pm and 6.30pm will take place on Sunday 5th June.

CHRISTIAN AID – Any remaining donations should be returned to the church on Tuesday 24th May between 7pm and 8pm. Volunteers are still required to count the donations 24th May. Please consider supporting Christian Aid by helping with the count.  Your help will be invaluable and will make a difference to those in greatest need throughout the world. Mark Allan (638 3916).

GLASGOW NE FOODBANK has had wonderful support from Greenbank and once again is looking for further donations. This year the amount going out has been increasing and the foodbank is giving out 200-400Kg per month more than it’s gets in. Donations of tinned, packet and UHT food would be warmly welcomed. Donations can be placed in the boxes situated in the Hall of Friendship or the Link Building. Alex Howie 638 5169.

THE NEW WEBSITE is up and running and is proving a great way for the church and it’s clubs to reach the community. To that end, if you are involved with a club and would like to add to the content of your page, please contact Fraser on

DISTRICT VISITORS REQUIRED FOR DISTRICT 36 (BROOM/WHITECRAIGS). If you can help contact Margot/Gordon Blyth (638 7646).

TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED: The rota is available for 2016 in the Centenary Chapel. If your organisation is able to help please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.

GREENBANK CHURCH BOWLS TOURNAMENT 2016 – Entries are invited from previous players and new players to take part in the annual bowls tournament which will be held at Giffnock Bowling Club on Saturday, 25th June starting at 2pm. The format will be teams of triples to be selected by the organisers. Your entries should be sent to Bill Robertson at 585 0008 or to Sadie Gould on 571 8808 by 18th June at the latest. Entry will be £5, which will include afternoon tea.



SATURDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB: will meet on Saturday 28th May at 9am for one hour with breakfast refreshments being served from 8.45am. This Saturday we are discussing the book of Joshua.  The conversations are informal, informative and enjoyable and everyone is welcome to come along – even if you haven’t yet read the book being discussed.  If you would like a copy of the readings contained in the OLD TESTAMENT COVENANT HISTORY book – please contact the Church office so they can be ordered for you. The dates set for the next meetings in 2016 are 25th June, with a break for holidays continuing on 17th September, 29th October, and 26th November.

COME ALONG TO THE LAST LUNCH CLUB OF THE SESSION which is meeting for lunch on 27th May, 12noon – 1.30pm. If you need transport to the church hall please get in touch with Jan (639 0373) or Maureen (639 5114).

TICKETS FOR THE COMMUNITY CHOIR SUMMER CONCERT taking place on Wednesday 1st June at 7.30pm are now available from members of the choir or from the church office.

The next meeting of the SHAWL MINISTRY in conjunction with our friends from Garthamlock & Craigend East Parish Church takes place on Saturday 4th June at 10.30 am IN ROOM A – HERE AT GREENBANK.  Everyone knitting shawls is welcome, as is anyone who wants to know more about this special ministry, or get involved in the knitting.

KIM SINGS ADELE FOR LALIBELA”] A FUNDRAISING EVENING FOR ETHIOPA on Thursday 9th June at 7.30pm in Cathcart Castle

Golf Club, Mearns Road. Tickets £10 from June Alexander (644 2682).

SOLAS FESTIVAL16: Scotland’s midsummer festival of music and arts, including live music, cinema, poetry, visual art, performance and family-friendly fun. The Bield, Tibbermore, near Perth, 17th – 19th June 2016.

Tickets can be booked on the solas website (currently cheaper early bird tickets are also available).

For more information please contact the festival manager, Jill Smith (07761911761) or e-mail: or at

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week.



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