TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Nan McCulloch of 22 Aidan’s View, Aidan’s Brae, Clarkston. Mrs McCulloch’s funeral service will take place on Friday, 26th October at 12noon at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mrs McCulloch’s family and friends in your prayers.
COMMUNION INVITATIONS for 4th November Communion are now ready for uplift from the front of the Centenary Chapel. Letters for the Financial Appeal for each district are bundled together with the invitation envelope. Please uplift as soon as possible.
MESSY CHURCH is in need of brown, beige or green wool; please donate to Messy before the 2nd Nov (leave it in the Hall of Friendship). Many thanks, Lorna.
TEA/COFFEE ROTA: Volunteers are required for2nd, 23rd and 30th December. If you or your organisation can help for one or more Sundays please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice on the rota in the Centenary Chapel. Thank you.
REMEMBRANCE DAY POPPIES are now available before and after the morning service at the front of the church.
SU BIBLE READING MATERIAL 2019 – order forms are available for the reading material from the front of the church and the Link building. Order forms, together with a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, should be returned to the church by 4th November at the latest please. Our Scripture Union representative is Ron Livingston (639 2798).
CHURCH TRANSPORT – There is currently an urgent need for a driver for the Greenbank Church transport rota. The duty would involve picking up passengers 1 week in 6 and bringing them to and from the Sunday morning service. Passengers greatly appreciate this facility, without which many would not be able to attend church regularly. If you can help please contact Mark Allan on 638 3916.
POPPY PROJECT 2018 To mark the 100th anniversary of the 1918 Armistice you are invited to take out your knitting and crochet needles to help create a poppy display for Remembrance Sunday , on 11th November this year. The poppy display will be installed in the church vestibule, alongside the war memorials during the week prior to Remembrance Sunday. Patterns for poppies are available on the table outside the church office (along with wool and needles) or you may prefer to use your own pattern. You are invited to put your name on the list in the Centenary Chapel if you would like to help by sewing the poppies on to the display. Donations of red and black wool would be much appreciated. Completed poppies need to be brought to the church by 28th October.
CROHN’S & COLITIS UK RAFFLE FOR RESEARCH 2018 – 💜PLEASE HELP US💜 As many of you know, our beautiful daughter Millie, who is 10 years old, has Crohn’s Disease and is still not in remission almost 2 years after diagnosis. Last year, in an effort to do something positive, we, as a family, made it our mission to sell as many raffle tickets for Crohn’s and Colitis UK’s Raffle for Research and we raised £1,500 – thanks to you. The charity is using Millie and her story to headline this year’s campaign and I know some of you may have been sent your own raffle tickets to sell for this cause. The horrific thing about Crohn’s and Colitis is that currently there is no cure and as such, it is a life sentence. We are asking you to please, please buy some of the tickets you have received or, if you didn’t receive your own tickets, please, please buy tickets from us (you can see us after morning service or call us on 0141 638 0630). Our only hope in finding a cure is in the vital research that is being done. Tickets are £1 each and just buying one ticket will make an enormous difference. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all so much. The Simpson Family xxxx 💜
GLASGOW N.E. FOODBANK is always appreciative of the steady stream of donations from Greenbank and now we are looking for volunteers to help with sorting and packing the various donations we receive at our Parkhead Church hub. If you would like to help on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday please call Alex Howie on 01416385169 or Tara Maguire Foodbank Project Manager on 07745242738. Information can also be found at
A RECHARGE CONFERENCE to resource, refresh & recharge those in children, young people & family ministry and give new ideas and ways of working in your congregation: Saturday, 3rd November, 9.30am – 2.30pm at ‘The Experience’, Montrose Avenue, Hillington Park, G52 4JR. The event is free; bring lunch or buy it on-site. Limited places available, book at or call 332 6606. Further info: Karen Wallace, Youth Development Coordinator, Presbytery of Glasgow Youth Office.
CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after the morning service from next week to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. Cards are either £4 or £3.50 for a pack of 10. Cards will be on sale each Sunday until mid-December.
FAIRTRADE GOODS will be on sale in the halls after the service today.
WILLIAMWOOD MALAWI PARTNERSHIP – A celebration of the group’s Malawian experience, Tuesday,30th October 2018 at 7.30pm in GreenbankChurch. You are very welcome to come and reflect on the history of the Partnership, look back on the 2018 road to Ekwendeni and look forward to 2019 and 2020.
SATURDAY 10TH NOVEMBER – GREENBANK ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FAIR – 10am– 1pm. Donations for the various stalls would be very much appreciated and can be brought to the Church any Sunday from now until the Fair. A box has been placed in the Hall of Friendship for donations. Stalls are as listed in the Good Neighbour. Tickets are now on sale priced £2 and £1 for school age children. You will also be able to pay at the door. Your support is very much appreciated.
ENJOY KNITTING? Want to learn to knit, or new to knitting? Come along at 7.15pm– 8.45pm; Tuesday nights to Room A. Cost £8 per class. Block booking discount available. Places are limited so booking is essential. Contact Helen Howard on or 07929 984873 or visit my Facebook page – Knitting For All: Clarkston & Giffnock.
THE GUILD is holding their Guest Nighton Wednesday at 7.30pm. The speaker will be Chris Scott and his subject is “TV Humour”.
CHOIR REHEARSALS begin on Thursday 25th October at 8pm for the service of Nine Lessons and Carols, which this year takes place on the evening of Sunday 16th December. As usual anyone who would like to sing with the choir for this service is very welcome to come along to the rehearsals – you don’t need to be able to read music or have sung in a choir before. For more information please speak to the organist, Peter Howard.
THE LUNCH CLUB meets on Friday 26th October 12 till 1.30pm for soup, filled rolls, tea and coffee. We trust you will come along and enjoy the company for friendship and fellowship. If you require transport please call the church office on 644 1841 or Maureen or Jan.
SUNDAY CLUB – The Sunday Club needs your help to ensure we have enough adults each week for the number of young people we have in our various sections! If you would be willing to help out regularly, occasionally, or on a rota basis, please speak to any of the Sunday Club leaders, or Helen Howard, or contact Helen on 585 7909 or
GIFFNOCK SOUTH’S FUN QUIZ NIGHT – At Giffnock South Parish Church, Saturday 3rd November at 7pm for 7.30pm, In aid of the Isobel Mair School. Ticket, £6 (BYOB) from Giffnock South office or Elaine Clarke (07590439808) email:
THE FLOWER LIST FOR 2018 is available on the transept windowsill. Anyone wishing to donate flowers is invited to add their name at the date of their choice.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.
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