TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
OUR MINISTER WILL BE ON ANNUAL LEAVE from 14th– 25th November. Please pass pastoral requests during this time to our Session Clerk, Mr Derek Christie (638 0044) or our Deputy Session Clerk, Mr Peter Liddell (638 7870).
FORMATION OF WORSHIP GROUP – If you are interested there will be a meeting after the service TODAY upstairs in Room A – please come along to find out more without commitment. The concept of the group is to form a small team, or possibly teams, of people who would be prepared to participate in, and ultimately, as a group, lead worship. Fergus Cook, Student minister.
POSTIES PLEASE! Christmas can’t come too early. At least when it comes to delivering this year’s leaflets inviting the community to our Christmas services round the houses in the Parish. Bundles of leaflets with a label indicating the street and house numbers to be covered are at the front of the Centenary Chapel. We would be very grateful for your help in extending our invitation to share Christmas with us and for participating in one of our major outreach activities of the year.
CHRISTMAS AT THE MANSE in aid of Al Shurooq School for the Blind in Bethlehem is on Tuesday 13th December, 10am-12noon. Tickets cost £2 and can be purchased from Anne Margetts (644 3820) or just pay at the door. Come along and enjoy tea, coffee and home baking and a browse round the gifts which will be on sale.
WILLIAMWOOD HOUSE CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER on Sunday 27th November. Come along and enjoy a night with Christian, the singer, at Stamperland Church hall 7.30-9pm. Tickets £5 or pay on the door. Home baking, tea and coffee, lucky dip and tombola BYOB. All proceeds to go to Williamwood House.
WINTER FAIR 2016 – A sum in the region of £2,800 was raised at this year’s Winter Fair. This superb sum could not have been achieved if it were not for everyone playing their part, by donating goods for the various stalls, helping on the day or coming along to the Fair. A very big thank you to all for creating such a friendly atmosphere and for all your support which is very much appreciated. Anna Martin, Eleanor Johnstone, Elizabeth Cross
MANY THANKS to all who contributed mince pies and shortbread, and those who helped in the kitchen and tea room at the Winter Fair. Also a thank you to all who gave their support on the day. Grace Paterson.
GLASGOW NE FOODBANK: As Christmas will soon be on us the foodbank Greenbank supports is asking us to think about donating through a reverse Advent Calendar initiative where an item, from the list on the screen in the Hall of Friendship, can be put into a box every day to make a gift to the vulnerable foodbank visitors at Christmas. A box per family, class, group is good. Boxes should be in by Friday 9th December. Feel free to decorate them if you wish. For further information contact Alex Howie on 6385169.
THE WALKING GROUP’S last walk of the season will take place this afternoon along the Clyde Walkway between Partick and Glasgow Green at the Templeton’s Business Centre. For those wishing to take part in this low level walk, we will meet in Clarkston Station at 12.55 in good time for the 13.08 train to Glasgow Central. As it is the last walk of the season it is our intention to have a meal, for those who wish it, in the West Brewery which forms part of the Templeton’s building. Blair Miller (577 5449)
223 GLASGOW COMPANY BB – CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY: The BB is delivering Christmas Cards within the Parish again this year. The collection box for these is located in the vestibule from Sunday 27th November until 10.30am on Sunday 11th December and cards will be delivered as soon as possible thereafter. Cards can only be delivered within the Parish boundaries (see map on collection box.)
CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after the service on all Sundays until 11th December to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. Cards are £3.50 for a pack of 10. Come and see the selection during tea and coffee and support the LHM.
A VOLUNTEER IS REQUIRED as District Visitor for Mansefield Crescent (9 homes). Contact Margot/Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
NEXT SUNDAY, 27th November, there will be an Advent Communion Service at 6.30pm. All welcome.
TO MARK THE END OF GUILD WEEK the Service today will be conducted by Mr Iain Whyte, General Secretary of the Church of Scotland Guild. Members of the Guild will take part in the service. Amy Aitken will be telling the Guild of the work of Yorkhill Children’s Charity on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm.
LUNCH CLUB meets on Friday 25th November, 12noon till 1.30pm – this is last one of the year. Come along and enjoy soup, filled rolls and a happy friendly atmosphere. Maureen, Jan and all the Lunch Team.
COMMUNITY CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT – Wednesday 7th December @ 7.30pm. Tickets now available priced £5 (which include tea/coffee & mince pie) from Neil & Val Scholfield, choir members and the church office.
THE LODGING HOUSE MISSION is a lifeline for some of the city’s most vulnerable people. It is open Monday to Friday, and on average 100 homeless, vulnerable and socially excluded people visit on a daily basis. In the winter months the night shelter opens at LHM from 1st December, & this year LHM would like to extend their opening hours to include Saturdays, allowing people to use the space instead of leaving the building at 7.30am with nowhere to go until the shelter reopens at night. The existing staff & volunteers work tirelessly at LHM &, like many charities, they are always grateful to have more individuals volunteering. LHM have thought about the different ways they could extend the service & have developed a unique opportunity to allow congregations to directly support LHM: they’re asking congregations to arrange a team of volunteers to allow the service to operate on Saturdays (separate from any individuals who already volunteer on weekdays). They need four people from 9am-3pm to volunteer with a LHM staff member who will be responsible for the overall running of the day. The 6 hours per person can be shared by two people who choose to split the hours or it can be one person that is a choice for congregations to make. What would you be doing? You would help with breakfast & lunch & clearing away dishes. You would also be engaging with the service users & would, of course, be supported by a LHM staff member. If this is an opportunity that you feel you could help Greenbank engage in please put your name & contact details on the sheet in centenary chapel so that a rota can be organised.
PARK CHURCH, Ravenscliffe Drive, Giffnock is holding a Christmas Tree Festival on Friday 9th December, 6pm-9pm and Saturday 10th December, 10am-4pm. Entry £3 adults, £1 children (including refreshments). The theme is world-wide Christmas trees with each organisation presenting a decorated tree from their country of choice. The festival is in the church with Christmas stalls for all ages in the halls, plus Christmas refreshments in festive tea room, all welcome.
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