Intimations 19th November 23

Church Service Intimations

Anyone requiring the services of a Minister from Monday 13th – Sunday 26th November Please contact Rev Scott Blythe at 07896 153174 or

SUNDAY CLUB & JAM welcomes children and young people from 3-18 years. The Sunday Club meets in the halls at 10.20am before coming into church for the first part of the service. JAM meets from 10.20 am in the centre pews at the front of the church.

PRAYERS FOR HEALING – If you would like anyone added to the Prayers for Healing list, (prayed for by the Prayer Group), or, if someone can be taken off the list, please contact me. I will be sending out an updated list near the end of the month. 0141 638 6245

APOLOGY – Ross McAldine would like to apologise for his little mistake while piping last Sunday at Remembrance Service. Due to the cold weather his reed split and his fingers froze!! Hopefully the next time you hear him play, he will be in tip top shape!!

LEGACY UPDATE – As you know, a few weeks ago we experienced another breakdown in our heating system. Repair work has been carried out and the heating is now working. However, the age of our system means that we may well face further problems. The answer would of course be to replace the system and this is indeed what is planned for phase 2 of our project once the new extension has been completed. We have however recently been made aware of a Central Fabric Fund managed by the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland, to which application can be made for things such as renewing old heating systems. The Kirk Session has decided to submit an application to the fund and if successful, bring forward the work of replacing the heating system. We have consulted a heating engineer used by the Church who has a great deal of experience of replacing heating systems. The work would involve removing the pews, pulpit and all the old pipework that runs above the level of the floor. Heat would then be supplied via modern heaters positioned appropriately around the church. As you can imagine this will be an expensive exercise and we can only afford to do it with financial assistance, hence the application for funding. Our application will be considered at the end of November and we will keep you posted on the outcome. If you have any questions, please let the office know and, in the meantime, your prayerful support for this would be very much valued.

LHM CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after the church service today. There are six new designs this year and each pack of 10 cards costs £4.50. Some older designs are still available at £4 per pack. Packs of notelets are also on sale at £3 for 10. It would be really helpful if you brought the correct money. Thank you.

DONATIONS REQUIRED [Link building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday mornings.] Weekly LHM Donations required, especially UHT milk, kettle foods e.g. pot noodles and tinned soup e.g. tomato, chicken and mushroom, can be put on the trolley in the Link building. Sugar, toiletries, clothing, bedding, duvets and towels are not required at the moment.

Glasgow North East Foodbank – Donations required; tinned meat (not Fray Bentos), tinned fruit & veg, UHT milk & juice, diluting juice, tinned & packet potato (mash), tinned rice & custard, packet custard, pasta sauces, pasta, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, Toiletries; nappies & baby wipes.


Saturday 25th November Greenbank’s Christmas Fayre 10 am – 12 noon in the church halls. Tickets costing £2 are available after worship or payable at the door. There will be a tearoom, raffle, tombola, organisations’ stalls and children’s activities including face painting. A labelled box is in the link building to receive tombola donations, handmade items and donations of shortbread and mince pies for the tearoom.

Sat 25th November Giffnock South Art Club Art Exhibition and Sale, 12.30 – 4pm in Giffnock South Church, G46 6QX. Admission Free. Tombola prizes – 10% of proceeds to charity

Friday 15th December Clarkston Community Choir annual Christmas concert at 7:30pm.


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