POSTIES WANTED – This year’s cards, wishing the Parish the Blessings of Christmas and inviting them to join us for our Christmas services, are looking for volunteers to deliver them. They’re waiting at the front of the Centenary Chapel. Your help in this important part of our outreach is much appreciated. Thank you.
MINUTES OF THE KIRK SESSION MEETING of 5th November and 2nd November are available for those members of the Kirk Session who did not receive them by email.
ATTENTION ALL DISTRICT ELDERS if you have not picked up your FREEWILL OFFERING ENVELOPES for distribution please collect them from the Centenary Chapel, thank you.
THE ROTA IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2019 in the Centenary Chapel. If you or your organisation can help for one or more Sundays please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.
CHURCH TRANSPORT – There is currently an urgent need for a driver for the Greenbank Church transport rota. The duty would involve picking up passengers 1 week in 6 and bringing them to and from the Sunday morning service. Passengers greatly appreciate this facility, without which many would not be able to attend church regularly. If you can help, please contact Mark Allan on 638 3916.
CROHN’S & COLITIS UK RAFFLE FOR RESEARCH 2018 – 💜PLEASE HELP US💜 As many of you know, our beautiful daughter Millie, who is 10 years old, has Crohn’s Disease and is still not in remission almost 2 years after diagnosis. Last year, in an effort to do something positive, we, as a family, made it our mission to sell as many raffle tickets for Crohn’s and Colitis UK’s Raffle for Research and we raised £1,500 – thanks to you. The charity is using Millie and her story to headline this year’s campaign and I know some of you may have been sent your own raffle tickets to sell for this cause. The horrific thing about Crohn’s and Colitis is that currently there is no cure and as such, it is a life sentence. We are asking you to please, please buy some of the tickets you have received or, if you didn’t receive your own tickets, please, please buy tickets from us (you can see us after morning service or call us on 0141 638 0630). Our only hope in finding a cure is in the vital research that is being done. Tickets are £1 each and just buying one ticket will make an enormous difference. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all so much. The Simpson Family xxxx 💜
GLASGOW N.E. FOODBANK is always appreciative of the steady stream of donations from Greenbank and now we are looking for volunteers to help with sorting and packing the various donations we receive at our Parkhead Church hub. If you would like to help on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday please call Alex Howie on 01416385169 or Tara Maguire Foodbank Project Manager on 07745242738. Information can also be found at
CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after the morning service to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. Cards are either £4 or £3.50 for a pack of 10. Cards will be on sale each Sunday until mid-December.
ENJOY KNITTING? Want to learn to knit, or new to knitting? Come along at 7.15pm– 8.45pm ; Tuesday nights to Room A. Cost £8 per class. Block booking discount available. Places are limited so booking is essential. Contact Helen Howard on or 07929 984873 or visit my Facebook page – Knitting For All: Clarkston & Giffnock.
TO CELEBRATE GUILD WEEK, the Guild is having an afternoon tea on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm, when they will be entertained with songs and stories by Rhona Hughes; as well allocating the Sunshine bag proceeds.
FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ will meet on Friday between 10am and 11ish, new customers or helpers very welcome. Enjoy some coffee or tea and our speciality toasted fruit loaf with butter. The café meets each Friday except for the last Friday of each month when the Lunch Club is in operation. Blair Miller (577 5449)
WILLIAMWOOD HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION TIME – A night of political discussion and debate on Monday 19th November at 7.30pm. You will have the opportunity to ask the political experts, Paul O’Kane (Labour) Kirsten Oswald (SNP) and Paul Smith (Conservative) your most pressing political questions and you will hear their thoughts on issues such as Brexit and Trump. This is a free event.
ORIGIN SCOTLAND in partnership with TEARFUND –– Christian singer songwriters present a wonderful evening of Christmas music, accompanied by the Origin band and orchestra on SUNDAY 2ND DECEMBER AT 8.15PM , Findlay Evangelical Church, Glasgow. Tickets are free just call 0131 541 0117.
THE GLASGOW PHOENIX CHOIR presents ‘CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS’, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Friday, 14th December @ 7.30pm. Tickets: £11/ £13/ £15/ £17/ £20. Box office: 0141 353 8000
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.
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