Church Service Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service.  All welcome.

KIRK SESSION MEETING:  There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session on Monday, 25TH April.  The Agenda and Reports will be emailed to Session members in due course.

UKRAINE APPEAL: We have so far raised £7,549 from the congregation (including related gift aid of £1,337) and with £500 allocated from our own Crisis Fund we have now reached an overall total of £8,049 which will be sent to assist the people of Ukraine. It should be noted that some members have also already contributed to the crisis through other agencies, prior to the formal involvement of the Church of Scotland’s arrangements.  You can still donate to the appeal through Greenbank in the same ways as previously:  a) send donations by direct bank transfer to Greenbank Church’s bank account (sort code 82-69-05 account number 20031245), with reference “Ukraine” or b) put a cheque or cash in the weekly offering (or post/hand in cheques to Greenbank’s treasurer at 26 Stewart Drive, Clarkston G76 7EZ) in an enveloped marked “Ukraine” to enable the donation to be properly allocated and not confused with general offering income.  Please indicate if you wish your donation to be gift aided – either by email to “” if your donation is by direct bank transfer or by a note with your cheque or cash donation.  If you donate by cash and wish to gift aid your donation, remember to put your name and address on the envelope otherwise gift aid cannot be claimed.

COFFEE & CHAT MORNING will take place on Saturday, 7th May from 10am till 12noon.

LODGING HOUSE MISSION: Donations can be put on the trolley in the Link Building during normal church opening times on a Sunday.  UHT milk & sugar are particularly requested-and any spare plastic carrier bags. Liz  Smith [5712676]

COSY CAFÉ: Volunteers are required to resume our Cosy Café.  Volunteers are required to make hot chocolate and toast for the young people and interact with them.  If you think this is something you can help with please contact the church secretary at this email address or call 644 1841 [Leave a message if the office is closed].

SERVICES AT WILLIAMWOOD HOUSE & CLARKSTON CARE HOME: If you would like to be a member of the Greenbank Williamwood House visiting team on Sunday afternoons or a team visiting Clarkston Care Home on the 2nd Tuesday of each month email the church secretary at:  or call her on 644 1841.


Easter Day Family Worship, Sunday 17th April 2022 at 10.30am

INTROIT  This joyful Eastertide

READING  John 20:1-18

The bible reader is Liz Allan


HYMN 410 Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
who did once, upon the cross, Alleluia!
suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing,
unto Christ, our heavenly King,
who endured the cross and grave,
sinners to redeem and save,

But the anguish he endured,
our salvation hath procured;
now in heavèn Christ is King
Where the angels ever sing,

Sing we to our God above,
Praise eternal as His love;
praise him, all you heavenly host,!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.



HYMN MP 52  Because he lives

[The congregation is invited to bring their flowers to the cross during the singing of this hymn]

God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus;

He came to love, heal, and forgive;

He lived and died to buy my pardon,

an empty grave is there

to prove my Saviour lives.

Because He lives I can face tomorrow;

because He lives all fear is gone;

                because I know He holds the future,

                and life is worth the living

                just because He lives.

How sweet to hold a new-born baby;

and feel the pride and joy he gives;

but greater still the calm assurance,

this child can face uncertain days

because He lives.

                Because He lives I can face tomorrow;

And then one day I’ll cross the river;

I’ll fight life’s final war with pain;

and then as death gives way to victory,

I’ll see the light of glory

and I’ll know He lives.

                Because He lives I can face tomorrow;



ANTHEM See what a morning [Stuart Townend]


HYMN 413 The day of resurrection!

The day of resurrection!

Earth, tell it out abroad;
the passover of gladness,
the passover of God!
From death to life eternal,
from sin’s dominion free,
our Christ has brought us over,
with hymns of victory.
Our hearts be pure from evil,
that we may see aright
the Lord in rays eternal

of resurrection light;
and, listening to his accents,
may hear, so calm and plain,
his own “All hail!” and, hearing,
may raise the victor strain

Now let the heavens be joyful
and earth the song begin!
the round world keep high triumph,
and all that is therein;
let all things seen and unseen
their notes in gladness blend,
for Christ the Lord hath risen,
our joy that has no end


RECESSIONAL Hallelujah from Messiah

  1. F. Handel





HYMN 419 Thine be the glory

Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

endless is the victory thou o’er death hast won;

angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,

kept the folded grave-clothes, where thy body lay.

       Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

       endless is the victory thou o’er death hast won.

Lo!  Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;

lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom;

let the Church with gladness hymns of triumph sing,

for her Lord now liveth;  death hath lost its sting.

No more we doubt thee, glorious Prince of Life;

life is naught without thee:  aid us in our strife;

make us more than conquerors, through thy deathless love:

bring us safe through Jordan to thy home above.



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