CHRISTIAN AID BIG BREKKIE FUNDRAISER 15TH MAY – To highlight the beginning of Christians Aid Week and raise funds pancakes and bacon rolls will be provided after the morning service today. Please come, enjoy and donate generously!
ARTICLES FOR THE JUNE edition of Good Neighbour should be received at the Church Office by today.
DISTRICT ELDERS: Your June Communion invitations are now available for uplift from the front of the Centenary Chapel. Please note that all 3 Communions i.e.10.30am, 3.00pm and 6.30pm will take place on Sunday 5th June.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 15-21st May. Volunteers are needed to fulfil our target of visiting every home within the Parish to carry out door to door collections. If you would like to be a collector, please come to the front of the church following the service today, 15th May where you will receive an envelope containing all you will need to collect within your allocated district. Donations should be returned to the church on Friday 20th May between 7pm and 9pm, or on Tuesday 24th May between 7pm and 8pm. Volunteers are also required to count the donations on these evenings. Please consider supporting Christian Aid either by collecting or by helping with the count. Your help will be invaluable and will make a difference to those in greatest need throughout the world. Mark Allan (6383916).
GLASGOW NE FOODBANK has had wonderful support from Greenbank and once again is looking for further donations. This year the amount going out has been increasing and the foodbank is giving out 200-400Kg per month more than it’s gets in. Donations of tinned, packet and UHT food would be warmly welcomed. Donations can be placed in the boxes situated in the Hall of Friendship or the Link Building. Also the foodbank is running a donations day at Asda Parkhead Forge on Saturday 21st May. If anyone wants to help out please contact Alex Howie on 638 5169.
THE NEW WEBSITE is up and running and is proving a great way for the church and it’s clubs to reach the community. To that end, if you are involved with a club and would like to add to the content of your page, please contact Fraser on
NEW DISTRICT VISITORS ARE REQUIRED FOR DISTRICT 36 (BROOM/WHITECRAIGS). If you can help contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED: The rota is available for 2016 in the Centenary Chapel. If your organisation is able to help please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.
GREENBANK CHURCH BOWLS TOURNAMENT 2016 – Entries are invited from previous players and new players to take part in the annual bowls tournament which will be held at Giffnock Bowling Club on Saturday, 25th June starting at 2 pm. The format will be teams of triples to be selected by the organisers. Your entries should be sent to Bill Robertson at 585 0008 or to Sadie Gould on 571 8808 by 18th June at the latest. Entry will be £5, which will include afternoon tea.
SAINSBURY’S ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS are being collected by John Meek for B.B. equipment. (There is a designated box in the Hall of Friendship). As the date for redemption is approaching, please give John any remaining vouchers asap.
The next walk of the GREENBANK WALKING GROUP is on Saturday 21 May to the Lang Craigs above Dumbarton. This is a moderately challenging walk with some great views over the River Clyde and surrounding hills, and is approximately 6.5 miles long. We will be leaving the church at 9.30am. If you are interested in coming along can you please phone Jane Livingston (586 6272) or Helen Millar (644 1266).
TICKETS FOR THE COMMUNITY CHOIR SUMMER CONCERT taking place on Wednesday 1st June at 7.30pm are now available from members of the choir or from the church office.
THERE WILL BE AN AFTERNOON STRAWBERRY TEA EVENT at Williamwood Church on Saturday 11th June in aid of Kwenderana. Tickets £5 are available from Bill Allan (644 1725) or pay at the door.
“KIM SINGS ADELE FOR LALIBELA”] A FUNDRAISING EVENING FOR ETHIOPA on Thursday 9th June at 7.30pm in Cathcart Castle Golf Club, Mearns Road. Tickets £10 from June Alexander (644 2682).
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week.
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