TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Lauren and Crawford and their son, Anderson Douglas Brysland. Anderson will be baptised this morning. We pray that as Anderson seeks to follow Jesus, he will know His love and presence in his life.
FAIRTRADE GOODS will be on sale in the halls after the service this morning.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm tonight – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
NOTICE FOR DISTRICT ELDERS – Communion invitations and the annual financial campaign envelopes for your district are now available for uplift from the front of the Centenary Chapel.
SCRIPTURE UNION BIBLE READING MATERIAL 2018 – order forms are available for the reading material from the front of the church and the Link building. It would be very much appreciated if the order forms, together with a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, could be returned to the church by Sunday 29th October at the latest please. Our Scripture Union representative is Rachel MacKay (644 2521).
ARTICLES FOR THE NOVEMBER EDITION OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by today.
THE KELVINGROVE ORGAN CONCERT on Saturday 21 October at 1pm will be given by Peter Howard – admission is free.
PRACTICES FOR THE FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS begin on Thursday 26th October at 8pm in the church. Anybody who would like to join with the choir to sing at this service is very welcome to come along to practices. The Nine Lessons and Carols service will be held on Sunday 17th December at 7pm.
CANCER RESEARCH COFFEE AFTERNOON ON SATURDAY, 21ST OCTOBER, 2PM -4PM IN GREENBANK CHURCH HALLS. Various stalls, raffle, silent auction, bric a brac, home baking. Cream tea (£4) Juice and tray bake for children (£2). Proceeds to breast Cancer UK. A. Howie (638 5169).
DEMENTIA FRIENDLY WALK taking place on Monday 30th October at 2pm at the Pavilion within Rouken Glen. For more information please see the notice board in the Hall of Friendship.
COULD YOU MAKE UP A TEAM OF FOUR FROM GREENBANK TO PARTICIPATE IN WILLIAMWOOD CHURCH’S 80TH ANNIVERSARY QUIZ NIGHT? The event is being held on Saturday 28th October at 7.30pm. The aim is to have all the local churches represented. Nothing like a bit of rivalry to keep the community going! Supper is included in the ticket price and wine/beer will be on sale. Tickets are now available. Adult – £5.00, Child (School age) – £3.00, Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) – £15.00. For tickets, either speak with any member of Willamwood Church, or phone Jerry on 041 571 9063.
ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Joy Bradie of The Wee Fudge Company is visiting THE GUILD hopefully with samples for us to taste!! All very welcome.
FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ meets this Friday between 10am and 11ish, new customers or helpers very welcome. Enjoy some coffee or tea and our speciality toasted fruit loaf with butter. The café meets each Friday except for the last Friday of each month when the Lunch Club is in operation. Blair Miller (577 5449)
THE GREENBANK WALKING GROUP’S NEXT OUTING is now on Saturday 21st October leaving the church at 9.30am. This interesting circular walk, commencing at Auchinstarry Marina, Kilsyth, takes in the Forth and Clyde canal towpath, Antonine’s Wall and other historic sites. Please contact Ann and Jim Guy on 638 5570 if you wish to join us.
SINCERE THANKS to everyone in the congregation and Sunday Club Departments who supported the Lodging House Mission by donating food and/or by making a donation of money at our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. All of your donations are greatly appreciated by the LHM, and help them to continue to provide a much needed service to those who need it.
CHRISTMAS CARDS will be on sale today in the Fraser Hall after the morning service to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. Cards cost £3.50 for a pack of 10. Come and see the selection which is available.
THE FLOWER COMMITTEE would like to thank most sincerely those members of the congregation who donated flowers for the Harvest Service. The donations were greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank everyone who delivered flowers throughout the parish.
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND IS GETTING BACK ‘ON THE ROAD’ (11 NOVEMBER, 2pm-4pm, Renfield St Stephen’s Church, Glasgow) to share what we have learned from listening to church members and to listen to your feedback on our report. What we heard was that the Kirk must widen its reach, deepen its commitment and become more flexible in its approach if it is to meet the needs of 21st Century Scotland. The Councils of the Church have been drafting up the Strategic Plan as part of planning for the future. Come and join us again, or even for the first time, ‘On the Road’ as we look to feed back to you what we heard and where we have reached. These events are an open invitation to everyone connected with the Church. Whether you are a regular worshipper, or an occasional attender; whether you take a leadership role in your local Church or simply drop in from time to time – ‘On the Road’ wants to hear from you.
If you can’t make the Glasgow date you can go along on 23rd November to St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church, Edinburgh, 7pm -9pm. There are also alternative dates in Dundee and Inverness.Booking is open now at: Group booking is available so bring others along with you!
COULD YOU VOLUNTEER TO HELP AT THE SNAP YOUTH GROUP ON ONE SATURDAY NIGHT BETWEEN NOW AND CHRISTMAS? It would be particularly helpful to have another volunteer on 2nd December and 9th December. If you can help on any of these dates please contact the church office or email
SLEEP IN THE PARK – a mass sleep-out to end homelessness in Scotland. For Good. Saturday 9th December.
Social Bite, a proactive charity working around Scotland with and for homeless people, is organising the world’s largest ever sleep-out and is hoping to attract 9,000 people to Edinburgh’s Princes Street Gardens. The charity hopes that by raising funds and working together, the people of Scotland will create such an impetus that homelessness will be eradicated over a 5 year period. The aim is not only to find provision for housing, but also to provide rehabilitation; job opportunities and support that will help people get back on their feet and find their place within society. John Cleese, Deacon Blue, Rob Brydon, Sir Bob Geldof, Liam Gallagher and Amy Macdonald will be present on the night. You might not be able to take part yourself, but you might know someone in your Church or workplace, a child or grandchild, a student friend who might be able to get involved individually or as a group. The challenge is for each individual to raise a minimum of £100 towards the cause. 2,000 people have already signed up. Find out more at or register at Anyone from Greenbank who is interested in taking part in the sleep out should come to a meeting in Room A on Monday 16th October at 7.30pm.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.
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