Intimations 15 May 2022
INTIMATIONS, Sunday, 15th May 2022
District Elders please collect your communion invitations from the front of the Centenary Chapel. Communion will take place on 5th June.
Greenbank’s Community Jubilee Picnic will take place on Friday 3rd June between 1pm and 4pm. Donations of home baking for the tea tent would be very much appreciated and can be left in the church kitchen from 9.30am onwards on the day itself.
You are invited to bring your own picnic along and a rug or two. There will be a tea tent with additional seating and garden games and activities. Anyone willing to help, in particular with face painting, garden games or in the tea room should contact a member of the social events committee: Lindy Dallas, Eleanor Johnstone, Anna Maclure, Jill Liddell, Lorna Preece, Jan Millar and Diane Adam.
Organ Recital: Peter Howard will be playing at the Daily Organ Concert at Kelvingrove Art Gallery on Saturday 21st May at 1pm.
The current volunteers have been serving Sunday refreshments after the morning service since last October. If you feel able to assist them during the next few months please email or call the church office – or 644 1841. You will be on duty infrequently as part of a group of 3 helpers.
Services At Williamwood House & Clarkston Care Home: If you would like to join a team visiting Williamwood House on Sundays [please note, Greenbank’s first visit has now been changed to 12th June] or visiting Clarkston Care Home on the 2nd Tuesday of each month email the church secretary at: or call 644 1841.
If you would like to take a turn of reading the bible at the Sunday morning service please email or call the church office.
Lodging House Mission: Donations for the LHM can be put on the trolley in the Link Building during normal church opening times on a Sunday. UHT milk and sugar are particularly requested-and any spare plastic carrier bags. Thank you. Liz Smith [0141 571 2676]
Art Exhibition & Sale at Giffnock South Parish Church, 21st May, 12noon to 4pm; Admission free; 10% of proceeds to Ukraine Emergency Appeal.
The St. Aidan’s Lectures: Traces of Grace Illustrating the Bible, Rev Dr. Donald Orr at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, Mearns Road on Wednesdays 18th, 25th May and 1st June, 7 for 7.30pm.
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