Church Service Intimations

TEA AND COFFEE is served in the Fraser Hall after the service. All welcome.

THE FUNERAL SERVICE of Mrs Margaret Loudon of 75 Hawthorn Road, Clarkston, whose death was announced last Sunday, will take place on Thursday, 16th January at 2pm at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mrs Loudon’s family and friends in your prayers.

CLARKSTON CHURCHES TOGETHER: As part of “PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK” there will be a pulpit exchange next Sunday. Our Minister, Jeanne, along with our Student Assistant Minister, Steven Owens, will be conducting morning worship at a joint service of Netherlee and Stamperland Churches; here at Greenbank, we will welcome back Father Stephen Baillie of St. Joseph’s, who will conduct our worship on Sunday 19th January.

CLARKSTON CHURCHES TOGETHER is hosting an evening event at St Aidan’s Scottish Episcopal Church in Old Mearns Road on Sunday, 19th January at 7.30pm. The Guest Speaker will be the Rev. David Coleman, URC Minister & Chaplain, Eco-Congregation Scotland who is leading a reflection onEco Congregations and the Environment.

A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm tonight – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.

THE GUILD – ‘A Parish Church Today’ is the title of the talk being given by Rev. Joe Kavanagh to the Guild on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm. Visitors welcome.

CLARKSTON COMMUNITY CHOIR restarts Wednesday, 15th January @ 7.30pm at Greenbank Church halls. New members of all ages and abilities welcome.

THE FRIENDSHIP CAFE – next meeting will take place on Friday, 17th January, starting at 10am in the Fraser Hall. All welcome. Blair Miller (577 5449)

CO-OP FOOD SHARE: We have recently entered into a Food Share partnership with the Co-op across the road from the church. This partnership will help reduce the amount of food waste by making use of, or distributing items that can no longer be sold (mainly food that has reached its best before date). Anyone interested in getting involved should speak to Steven Owens (Student Assistant Minister) after the service. Alternatively you can email Steven at:

ARTICLES FOR THE FEBRUARY EDITION OFGOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office today.

CHICKEN OR STEAK PIE?Please advise Jan Millar which main meal you prefer. Still a few tickets remaining for the BURNS SUPPER which takes place on Sunday 26th January. Jan Millar (258 4959) Email:

SUNDAY MORNING TEA ROTA IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2020 in the Centenary Chapel. If you can help please add your details opposite the date of your choice.

DISTRICT VISITORVACANCY – volunteer required for Newton Mearns district (8 homes, some each side of Mearns Cross) contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).

PLEASE SUPPORT TIME OUT’S CHARITY COFFEE/TEA AFTERNOON, Saturday, 25th January, 2pm-4pm, tickets £2.50 from Moira McAldine, other Time Out members and the church office. All monies raised will be donated to chosen charities. Donations of home baking and books will be gratefully received (in church halls’ kitchen on the – Friday night prior or the morning of the event). More information from Moira McAldine at or call 07793 252138.

LIFE & WORK MAGAZINE: The January issue is now available. Would subscribers please uplift their copies from the Flower Room as the next Good Neighbour delivery will be the February issue. Subscription renewal details are enclosed within. Cheques should be made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, enclosed in the envelope provided and placed in the Church offering bags. The yearly subscription remains at £33.60. I. McTurk

VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. Please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings.

THE GREENBANK PLAYERS are busy rehearsing a new Murder Mystery. Hopefully you will again be able to support them on either Friday 6th March or Saturday 7th March. Tickets will be on sale soon. 

COSY CAFÉ VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED for the new rota [March to June] if you can help on a Friday, 2.45pmtill 4pm once or twice in this 4 month period, contact the church office on 644 1841 or email: [Cosy is not on during school holidays]. Three adult volunteers help each week making hot chocolate and toast for the secondary school age children and are supported by young volunteers.

SNAP COMMUNITY YOUTH CLUBfundraising opportunity through the Co-op (Oct 19-Oct 20). Using a Co-op card, 1% of the cost of co-op products purchased can be donated to SNAP – just nominate them online as your preferred charity.

GREENBANK CHURCH TRANSPORT provides a valuable service to enable passengers to attend Sunday morning worship. It operates with the help of a team of volunteer drivers who operate a 1 week in 5 rota. New drivers required, if you would like to help, please see Mark Allan (Church Transport Convener) or contact 0141 638 3916.

ON THE NOTICEBOARD [Church Halls’ Corridor] see details of:

Confident Christianity Conference, Saturday 22nd February @ Maxwell Mearns Castle Church, 9.30am-4pm. Tickets £15/£10 Website:

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or who needs prayer, please complete a POSTCARD (placed on the pews). Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members or posted through the halls letterbox.


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