TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.
TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Janine and Craig and their son, Cole David Anderson; we also welcome the friends and family of Kimberley and Christopher and their daughter, Cadence Karen Daveigh Morrison; we welcome too the friends and family of Ailsa and Iain and their daughter, Elizabeth Ailsa Munro. Cole, Cadence and Elizabeth will be baptised this morning. We pray that as they seek to follow Jesus, they will know His love and presence in their lives.
THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE KIRK SESSION after the service this morning in the church at 12noon to approve the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2016.
OUR MINISTER WILL BE ON ANNUAL LEAVE from 16th – 26th March inclusive. If you require a minister during this time please contact Rev Tom Nelson (585 7502). Please pass pastoral requests to our Session Clerk, Derek Christie (638 0044) or our Depute Session Clerk, Mr Peter Liddell (638 7870).
THE KIRK SESSION COFFEE MORNING will be held on Saturday 25th March this year; your continuing support will be appreciated. Tickets, price £2 (Children £1) are now available from Elders and Associates. Alan Veitch (639 8138).
ARTICLES FOR THE APRIL EDITION of Good Neighbour should be received at the Church Office by today.
VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. We are always looking for new volunteers, so even if you have never read the lesson before please consider adding your name to the list. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings.
SUPPORTING CONGREGATIONS TO PEOPLE OF THE WAY Glasgow Presbytery is hosting a Conference at Clincarthill Parish on 18th March from 10am to 12pm with keynote speaker the Very Rev Albert Bogle. There will be strands on Messy Church, welcoming global friends, caring for the elderly, from members to disciples and pastoral care by elders. The Conference is open to anyone who wishes to attend and learn from alone another.
THERE WILL BE A SHORT MEETING after church on 19th March for those who would like to help out at the HOLIDAY CLUB. Alison Harvey (638 3679).
MURDER MYSTERY NIGHTS – Friday 24th and Saturday 25th March in the Church Halls – suspicions raised at 7.30pm – a light supper and wine will be included in the ticket price of £10. Tickets available from the tea/coffee staff after the service.
MAKARIS QUARTET CONCERT, 25TH MARCH – Unfortunately as a member of the saxophone quartet has broken his elbow, the Makaris Quartet concert at Giffnock South Parish Church has been cancelled, to be reorganised at a later date. Anyone who has already bought a ticket can get a refund from a member of the events team at Giffnock South. Richard Scholfield.
LODGING HOUSE MISSION APPEAL FOR SUGAR The Lodging House Mission has asked for our help in replenishing depleted stocks of sugar. If you are able to donate sugar, this would be greatly appreciated. Please leave donations of sugar in the labelled blue tub which is in the Link Building. Sincere thanks for your support. Alison Allan (638 3916)
TEA/COFFEE ROTA: The rota is now available for 2017 in the Centenary Chapel. If your organisation is able to help, even if only for a couple of Sundays, please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.
THERE WILL BE A SHORT COMMUNION SERVICE at 3.00pm this afternoon when Graeme and Helen Bradshaw will become members of Greenbank by profession of their faith. After the communion services there will be a retiring offering for Age Concern Eastwood.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm tonight – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
THE GUILD LOOK FORWARD TO A QUIZ WITH JILL LIDDELL on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm.
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE LUNCH CLUB will be on Friday 31st March, not 24th March as intimated in Good Neighbour.
FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ – Friday at 10am – Why not come along to the church halls for a cup of tea and a blether? Blair Miller (577 5449)
THE BREAKFAST LENTEN BOOK CLUB meets again at 8.45am in the church on Saturday 18th March –the Walkers going to Alloway should have time to participate before their walk if they wish! Fergus Cook will be leading the group.
GREENBANK WALKING GROUP The first walk of the season is from Alloway on Saturday 18th March, meeting at 10am outside the Church. Everyone is welcome. Please phone David or Audrey Thomson (0141 639 5822) if you intend to come and for more details.
MICHAEL MCMILLAN & THE HOPE STREET BAND performing at Claremont Church, East Kilbride, G74 2AU on Friday 31st March at 7.30pm. The event is FREE and we promise you a wonderful evening of great worship, laughter and Michael’s powerful witness stories.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.
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