Intimations 11 Aug 24

Church Service Intimations

KIRK SESSION MEETING: The Interim Moderator has requested that a Kirk Session meeting be scheduled for Sunday 18th August following the service, if required.

PASTORAL COVER: Anyone requiring the services of a minister from Monday 12th August, please contact the church office on 0141 644 1841 or

ORGANIST: Our organist, Peter Howard, is on holiday this week, so we are pleased to welcome Jack Wilkinson back to Greenbank, and thank him for playing for us today.

SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY: It is anticipated that we will resume worship in the Sanctuary from Sunday 18th August.

ACCESS TO COWLEY HALL: While services are being held in the Cowley Hall, we ask that people enter the hall via the doors to the right of the stairs as you approach the halls, rather than through the link building. Access will still be available through the link building for those unable to use the stairs.

FIRE EVACUATION: In the event of the Fire Alarm sounding please leave by the nearest Exit and proceed to the area at the front doors of the church and await further information. Exits are located as follows:-

a) Rear of the Cowley Hall

b) Door into Hall of Friendship then turn left and EXIT

c) Fire door Right hand side of stage though double doors

LIVE STREAMING OF SERVICES: Whilst we are holding services in the Church halls, unfortunately we will not be able to live stream the services.

SATURDAY BOOK CLUB: We are continuing to look at Timothy Keller’s book “Encounters with Jesus “. Our next meeting is on Saturday the 7th of September at 10am in the crèche, just off the hall of friendship where we will be looking at chapter 8 “The obedient master “. Please bring along a cup if you would like tea or coffee. New members will be made very welcome so please come along. For further information please call Ronnie McNeill on 07796002517.

DONATIONS REQUIRED: Please put donations in the Hall of Friendship this morning. From tomorrow, the LHM trolley and GNE foodbank box will be back in the Link Building, which will be open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday mornings.

LHM DONATIONS: Can be put on the trolley in the Hall of Friendship. Tinned foods especially tinned meats eg mince, chilli, chicken in sauce, and baked beans are urgently required at the moment as well as UHT milk and kettle foods eg, pot noodles. Toiletries, new boxer shorts, ladies pants and new or nearly new trainers are also needed. Clothing, bedding and towels are not required at the moment.

GNE FOODBANK: We are as busy as always. There is a particular need at the moment for ladies and gents shampoo, shower gel, soap, toothpaste, disposable razors, shaving foam. We are as usual looking for donations of tinned and packet food particularly meats, vegetables, fruit, UHT milk and juice and diluting juice. Unfortunately, we can’t take fresh food.

FANTASIA CONCERT: An evening of fantastical music for saxophone and piano is taking place in Giffnock South Parish Church on Thursday 15th August, 7.30pm-8.30pm. Tickets are £6 and will be available on the door.

PRAISE CEILIDH: As part of the Edinburgh Fringe, SanctuaryFirst are holding a unique immersive Scottish Praise Ceilidh, with original Praise music and song with a live band. Learn to dance traditional Scottish ceilidh dances together with others and feel the joy of the Spirit of the Lord of the Dance! The ceilidhs will take place afternoons and evenings on the 5th, 8th, 20th and 24th August in St Cuthberts Parish Church, Edinburgh. Tickets can be booked via the Fringe website. See the full flyer on the notice board or the SanctuaryFirst website.


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