TEA AND COFFEE is served in the Fraser Hall after the service-all welcome.
IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of Mr Richard Chalmers of 78 Craighill Drive, Clarkston. Mr Chalmer’s funeral will take place on Tuesday, 12th November at the Linn Crematorium at 4pm. Please remember Mr Chalmer’s family and friends in your prayers.
IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of Mr Gordon Richmond of 50 Flenders Avenue, Clarkston. Mr Richmond’s funeral will take place on, Friday, 15th November at the Linn Crematorium at 1.45pm. Please remember Mr Richmond’s family and friends in your prayers.
THE RETIRING OFFERING this morning will be in aid of Erskine Hospital.
OUR PIPER THIS MORNING is Ross McAldine who will be playing the Slow Air, The Dark Island which was played at the 1919 Memorial service for the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, at Stirling Castle on Armistice Day.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm tonight – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
ARTICLES FOR THE DECEMBER edition of GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by today.
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE GREENBANK FILM SOCIETY takes place on Monday, 11th November @ 7.30pm in the Session House (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE). The French psychological thriller, “Le Boucher”, will be shown. This highly acclaimed film, starring Stéphane Audrun and directed by the celebrated, Claude Chabrol, is not to be missed. All welcome.
THE GUILD will meet as usual on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm. Our speaker will be Alistair Dunsmore. The title of his talk is “The History of the Glasgow Police.” All welcome.
THE FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ Fridays @ 10am, Fraser hall, enjoy tea and chat.
MINUTES of the latest Kwenderana meeting are available for members of Session not on email in the Centenary Chapel.
SU BIBLE READING MATERIAL 2020 – order forms are available for the reading material from the front of the church and the Link building. Order forms, together with a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, should be returned to the church by Sunday,17th November at the latest. Ron Livingston (639 2798).
CHRISTMAS FAIR SATURDAY 23RD NOVEMBER. 10 AM TO 1PM. Tickets for this year’s Christmas Fair are now on sale or available at the door on the day. Donations for all the stalls should be brought along to the Church any Sunday or left in the box in the Hall of Friendship. Donations can also be brought along to the hall from 2.00 p.m. on Friday 22nd November or on the day from 9.00 a.m. Donations of mince pies, shortbread and “good quality” biscuits would be most welcome. A list of stalls etc has been published in November issue of Good Neighbour. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
THE LODGING HOUSE MISSIONChristmas card collection is on sale after the service in the Fraser Hall (until 8 December). Cards are £4 per pack of 10.
A VERY MERRY CLARKSTON CHRISTMAS – SATURDAY, 16TH NOVEMBER, 12NOON TO 5PM – Greenbank will once again host a tea tent at this event. Volunteers needed to staff the tent at hourly internals during the event and to set up and pack away (car required). If you can help please write your name on the sheet in the Centenary Chapel at the time slot/s of your choosing or contact the church office (644 1841) or
DISTRICT VISITORVACANCY – volunteer required for Newton Mearns district (8 homes, some each side of Mearns Cross) contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
REMINDER under GDPR, if you’re sending mail to lots of people you should send it to yourself and use Bcc for the other recipients so that they can’t access each other’s addresses.
When using email, the Church Office will not reveal your email address to all other recipients.
MESSY CHURCH requires BUTTONS -Pop donations in box marked ‘BUTTONS’ in halls
SNAP COMMUNITY YOUTH CLUBfundraising opportunity through the Co-op (Oct 19-Oct 20). Using a Co-op card, 1% of the cost of co-op products purchased can be donated to SNAP – just nominate them online as your preferred charity.
TO ENCOURAGE WORSHIP OUTSIDE OUR CHURCH WALLS this Advent, Mary, Joseph and the donkey from Greenbank’s Nativity Scene will journey from our church building in a story bag with a copy of the Christmas story, plus a diary in which all those who host the figures can share their experiences. Also included in the bag will be an Advent candle which can be lit and burned down one section on each night that Mary and Joseph and the donkey stay. Photos taken in each home can be emailed to the Church Office at – these will be shown on PowerPoint each week of Advent. The last household will bring ‘Mary and Joseph’ to church to the family service on Christmas Eve where they will be welcomed back to the Nativity Scene. For anyone wishing to take part a ‘signup’ sheet is now available in the Centenary Chapel.
A TIME TO REMEMBER SERVICE will be held in the Church on 8th December at 6.30pm to commemorate loved ones no longer with us at Christmas. During the service names of loved ones will be placed on a special Christmas Remembrance Tree which will remain in the church sanctuary that we all may know that this time of year belongs not only to us and our church, but also our loved ones as we journey together towards the One born for us at Christmas. Anyone who wishes to come to the service will be made very welcome. If you can’t manage along to the service but wish someone’s name to be placed on the tree, please record it in the Christmas Book of Remembrance which is in the Centenary Chapel.
CHURCH TRANSPORT – Greenbank Church Transport provides a valuable service to enable passengers to attend Sunday morning worship. It operates with the willing help of a team of volunteer drivers who currently operate a 1 week in 5 rota. Presently there is a need to recruit new drivers as there is now a waiting list of passengers who have need of this help to attend church, and it would be great to be able to continue to operate this much appreciated service. If you would like to help by joining the volunteer driver rota, please see Mark Allan (Church Transport Convener) or contact 0141 638 3916.
CHRISTIAN AID SPONSORED SWIM Congratulations to the group of 8 swimmers from Greenbank who each completed the maximum 20 lengths of Eastwood swimming pool on 5/10/19. Their efforts were supported by sponsorship of a total of £311 which will go towards supporting the work of Christian Aid. Certificates for the swimmers will be presented shortly. Very well done, and thank you.
COFFEE MORNING forMacmillan Cancer Support @ Garthamlock and Craigend Parish Church on 22nd November, 10am-1pm. Any donations of knitted items for one of the stalls are very welcome. Items can be left at Greenbank’s church office.
BURNS SUPPER TICKETS will be sold on Sunday 8th December after morning service. Jan and Graham will be in the Fulton Hall of Friendship. Tickets priced £17. The Burns Supper takes place on Sunday, 26th January 2020.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or who needs prayer, please complete a POSTCARD (placed on the pews). Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members or posted through the halls letterbox.
ADVENT STUDIES AT ST AIDAN’S on 4 Wednesdays at 11am beginning on 27th November. Led by David Cameron, St Aidan’s Scottish Episcopal Church
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